I have to say tech & ops is very very very boring, from my personal experience. It is a dead-end. Almost 'mission impossible' to transfer to FO. Actually the career path in BO is quite straightforward: work, work, and work, until retirement My former line manager said that she is reluctant to transfer from FO to BO. The only reason she transferred is that she just wants to have more spare time. Moreover, ops is no longer a stable position. I-banks nowadays cut jobs starting with BO especially tech. They cut full-time employees and hire long-term interns (so-called 'industrial placement'). -- by 会员 hangli2 (2012/12/14 11:02:06)
谢谢! 所以你之前也是做tech&ops的吗? 能问下现在在做什么吗?诶觉得公司招人的时候把职位说的天花乱坠,然后因为之前也不太了解,现在才发现bo不太好。。。 其实我也没想过去fo,性格因素吧。。。那转mo相对容易些吗?在银行做几年bo的work experience对于将来去corporation或者除过投行以外的金融机构什么的会不会有帮助? 我主要还是怕重复工作几年后学不到东西,会计什么的还有张证考呢。。。呃。。。 请问下那你的建议是倾向于接还是不接这份offer? 另外想请问下你清楚DB的结构吗? DBOI是个什么概念。。。 |