Which of the following best completes the passage below?
The computer industry's estimate that it loses millions of dollars when users illegally copy programs without paying for them is greatly exaggerated. Most of the illegal copying is done by people with no serious interest in the programs. Thus, the loss to the industry is quite small, because_____.
38.Which of the following best completes the passage below?
The computer industry's estimate that it loses millions of dollars when users illegally copy programs without paying for them is greatly exaggerated. Most of the illegal copying is done by people with no serious interest in the programs. Thus, the loss to the industry is quite small, because_____________
(A)many users who illegally copy programs neverfind any use for them
(B)most people who illegally copy programs would not purchase them even if purchasing them were the only way to obtain them
(c) even if the computer industry received all the revenue it claims to be losing, it would still be experiencing financial difficulties
(D)the total market value of all illegal copies is low in comparison to the total revenue of the computer industry
(E)the number of programs that are frequently copied illegally is low in comparison to the number of programs available for sale
(A)many users who illegally copy programs never find any use for them
What users do (or do not do) with programs once they have them does not help to show that the loss to the industry is small. gmat意思是说已经得到这个软件的人不管他copy还是不copy对整个产业损失小来说是没关系的。。 我理解的意思是这个软件都到你的手里了,和产业的损失无关。。。产业损失是和sales有关的。。 我的疑惑:软件都到你的手上了,你没付钱,产业不就损失啦? 而且人们发现这个copy没有用,自然不会买了。。
(B)most people who illegally copy programs would not purchase them even if purchasing them were the only way to obtain them
(C)even if the computer industry received all the revenue it claims to be losing ,it would still be experiencing financial difficulties gmat解释:The greater financial difficulties of the industry do not help to show that the loss incurred because of the illegally copied programs is small. 不明白这个选项什么意思?
(D)the total market value of all illegal copies is low in comparison to the total revenue of the computer industry 不对,用被非法拷贝的软件的市场价值与行业收入做比较是错的! 举个例子:被非法拷贝的软件的市场总价值是100万美圆(这100万都被黑了),所有正版软件的销售额只有60万美圆,整个行业的收入是400万美圆。100万低于400万,但你能说非法拷贝的影响很小吗??要用软件市场和软件市场比,不要和行业收入比。整个行业除了卖软件还要干很多事情,比如卖整机!!! D选项不知道我的理解对不对?
(E)the number of programs that are frequently copied illegally is low in comparison to the number of programs available for sale This information does not provide a good reason for the claim that the loss to the industry is small. Even if the number of programs frequently copied is low, the number of copies made from each program might be huge (for the most popular programs). 意思是说这个和数量无关,而应该和收益有关。。即产业损失是和卖programs的sales直接挂钩的。如果被copy的软件是很能卖钱的。。即使数量少,但是价值高。产业的损失会非常大的。。比如一个电影很卖座,能卖100万美元,由于被copy之后,导致产业损失这100万,这只是一部电影啊,数量的确小,但是经济损失非常大。。。 但是E选项,我自己的理解是这样,但是看gmat的解释,说的有出入啊!它说的是 数量和数量的关系Even if the number of programs frequently copied is low, the number of copies made from each program might be huge (for the most popular programs). 而我理解的是数量和收益的关系。。。求解惑!