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发表于 2006-12-3 11:07:00 | 只看该作者


在《logical reasoning bible》上讲到Justify题的时候,提到一种方法:

……Because Justify the Conclusion questions can be characterized in formulaic terms, you can often solve these questions using a mechanistic approach. This approach requires you to reduce the stimulus to its component parts ,and then identify which elements appear in the conclusion but not in the premises. The following rules apply:
1. Any “new” element in the conclusion will appear in the correct answer.
2. Elements that are common to the conclusion and at least one premise normally do not appear in the correct answer.
3. Elements that appear in the premises but not the conclusion usually appear in the correct answer.

In a nutshell, the rules condense to the following: link new elements in the premises and conclusion and ignore elements common to both.



 楼主| 发表于 2006-12-3 11:22:00 | 只看该作者


例1:If something would have been justifiably regretted if it had occurred, then it is something that one should not have desired in the first place. It follows that many forgone pleasures should not have been desired in the first place.
The conclusion above follows logically if which one of the following is assumed?

(A) One should never regret one’s pleasures.
(B) Forgone pleasures that were not desired would not have been justifiably regretted.
(C) Everything that one desires and then regrets not having is a forgone pleasure.
(D) Many forgone pleasures would have been justifiably regretted.
(E) Nothing that one should not have desired in the first place fails to be a pleasure.

Premise: If something would have been justifiably regretted if it had occurred, then it is something that one should not have desired in the first place.
Conclusion: Many forgone pleasures should not have been desired in the first place.

step1:Any “new”element in the conclusion will appear in the correct answer.

      “Many forgone pleasures” is a new element that appears only in the conclusion. Only answer choices (B), (C), and (D) contain “forgonepleasures,” and only answer choice (D) contains “many.” Thus, if forced to make a quick decision, answer choice (D) would be the best selection at this point in our analysis.

step2:Elements that are common to the conclusion and at least one premise, or to two premises, normally do not appear in the correct answer.

    “Should not have (been) desired in the first place” appears in both the premise and the conclusion. This element is not likely to appear in the correct answer choice.

step3: Elements that appear in the premises but not the conclusion normally appear in the correct answer.
“Justifiably regretted” appears in the premise but not the conclusion.Only answer choices (B) and (D) contain “justifiably regretted.”.



1. Maria won this year’s local sailboat race by beating Sue, the winner in each of the four previous years. We can conclude from this that Maria trained hard.
The conclusion follows logically if which one of the following is assumed?
(A) Sue did not train as hard as Maria trained.
(B) If Maria trained hard, she would win the sailboat race.
(C) Maria could beat a four-time winner only if she trained hard.
(D) If Sue trained hard, she would win the sailboat race.
(E) Sue is usually a faster sailboat racer than Maria.



Premise: Maria won this year’s local sailboat race by beating Sue, the winner in each of the four previous years.
Conclusion: We can conclude from this that Maria trained hard.

step1:“new”element in the conclusion,“Maria trained hard.”, will appear in the correct answer. Thus (A)(B)(C).

step2:Elements that are common to the conclusion and at least one premise,or to two premises, normally do not appear in the correct answer.


step3: Elements that appear in the premises but not the conclusion normally appear in the correct answer.

这个牵强点说应该是:the winner in each of the four previous years把?


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