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发表于 2012-3-19 13:18:05 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
因为选项很具有迷惑性,老是做错。 小小的整理一下,也和大家分享下~ 我才刚刚开始备考GMAT, 可能老鸟会觉得题目很naive, 切莫见笑!

Which ofthe following most logically completes the argument?
A certaincultivated herb is one of a group of closely related plants that thrive in soilwith high concentrations of metals that are toxic to most other plants.  Agronomists studying the herb havediscovered that it produces large amounts of histidine, an amino acid that, intest-tube solutions, renders these metals chemically inert.  ossibly, therefore, the herb’s highhistidine production is what allows it to grow in metal-rich soils, ahypothesis that would gain support if ______.
A.    histidineis found in all parts of the plant—roots, stem, leaves, and flowers
B.     theherb’s high level of histidine production is found to be associated with anunusually low level of production of other amino acids
C.    othersof the closely related group of plants are also found to produce histidine inlarge quantities
D.    cultivationof the herb in soil with high concentrations of the metals will, over anextended period, make the soil suitable for plants to which the metals aretoxic
E.     theconcentration of histidine in the growing herb declines as the plant approachesmaturity

GWD里的一题, 答案是C, 但是我做的时候错选了D。这题其实是一个support的题型, 通过C选项体现出同因同果的关系直接加强了结论。 D选项看上去很迷惑, 但是它论证的是metal到底会不会和H反应 (which is a fact already stated in passage), 偏离了结论, 所以错。

这种类型的同因同果是通过找到一类具有相同特征的事物来削弱或者加强, 是对比关系之上的因果关系。一般会有很具有迷惑性的选项。


Kate:  The recent decline in numbers of theTennessee warbler, a North American songbird that migrates each fall to coffeeplantations in South America, is due to the elimination of the dense tree coverthat formerly was a feature of most South American coffee plantations.
Scott:  The population of the spruce budworm,the warbler’s favorite prey in North America, has been dropping.  This is a more likely explanation ofthe warbler’s decline.
Which ofthe following, if true, most seriously calls Scott’s hypothesis into question?

A.    Thenumbers of the Baltimore oriole, a songbird that dose not eat budworms but isas dependent on South American coffee plantations as is the Tennessee warbler,are declining.
B.     Thespruce-budworm population has dropped because of a disease that can infectbudworms but not Tennessee warblers.
C.    The dropin the population of the spruce budworm is expected to be only temporary.
D.    ManyTennessee warbler have begun migrating in the fall to places other thantraditional coffee plantations.
E.     Althoughmany North American songbirds have declined in numbers, no other species hasexperienced as great a decline as has the Tennessee warbler.

同样出自GWD,答案选A。 选项D或者C略带迷惑性。 同样是寻找具有相同特征的事物, 通过进一步阐述其特征,在对比之上进行的因果关系。

但是也有很多时候类似的选项不是正确的, 是无关选项, 一时半会还找不到例子。 有什么地方错误的希望大家补充!
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发表于 2012-8-12 17:21:23 | 只看该作者
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