来拜读僵尸先森的大作~ -- by 会员 晨依Jacqueline (2012/6/10 16:20:50)
怎么没声儿了,是不是去吐了 -- by 会员 zombiee (2012/6/10 20:13:48)
Mr. Zombie 我是害怕先入为主了影响给你互评的童鞋发挥呀。不细致说啦~ Personally speaking, I think there are a few differences between the writing of G & T. To be exact, G & T require different skills of their test-takers.(You'd better refer to the OG if it is convenient.) Your Strength--sufficient data(very persuasive!), rigorous logical analysis, advanced expression, etc. Your Weakness--structure(Important! In my view, a good composition should observe some disciplines and be well-organized. ) small spelling mistakes. Anyway, you did a better job than I did the first time. -- by 会员 晨依Jacqueline (2012/6/10 22:11:47)
Thank you so much! Appreciate your recommendation. My virgin composition get its value by your reply. |