18妇女社会工作角色 Q1:妇女地位发生了什么变化? 选most respects stay the same, other aspects deterioted Q2:还有一题问general structure的,这题比较难,有两个选项之间比较难确定 楼主选的是challenge a theory,迷惑选项是explain an ambiguity好像
30.厂商与零售商 Q1:some manufacturer intend toadvertise the discount by themselves, what is their assumption? 选 If the customers know thediscount message, they will spent more time in searching for the discount (sothe retailers will not benefit from the discount by not offering to thecustomers) 阅读大概只能回忆这么多了,希望有点帮助吧!祝大家考G顺利!