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终于告别GMAT了,首先要感谢CD,没有CD的资料和一起奋斗的氛围,我不确定是否能持续这样的高效率;其次感谢我的雯妹,没有雯妹从精神上支持我,每天为我整理机经和原始贴子,我想也没有我的今天。 感觉我运气真的不算太好,数学遇到的新题多,机经少;语文的阅读全是我考前暗想千万别让我遇到的(不过幸好没有supervona,我一战就是输在astronomy上),不过结果还是让人兴奋的。 雯妹让我一定要写机经回馈CD,除了机经,再分享一些我的经验吧。
PART 1:机经 Quantitative: 1. 也是我的第一题: X^(-2)+6X^(-1)+9=0 答案是-1/3 2. 印象深刻,机经上的 A一分钟fill out600个罐头,B一分钟800个,C一分钟put lid on2400个罐头.A bottle which is filled out will be lid, a bottle which is not filled out will not be lid. Q: how many machines are there working in one minute? (1) There are 4800 cans filled out in a minute(和之前的机经不同,之前是4800 lid) (2) For every C machine, there will be 2 B machine. 当时我是这么想的:盖盖子的罐头数一定小于等于灌满的罐头数,本来想选E,但是又来琢磨了一下我高亮的那句话,因此只要是灌满了的罐头一定盖盖子,两者是一致的。因此结合起来应该是选C,遇到这题的战友们稍微注意一下(1)条件。 3. John decides to save money at the beginning of year 1, and at the end of that year, he has saved $240. He carries on saving in the second year, and at the end of the second year, he has saved $540. How much percent increase in his savings in the second years compared to his saving in the first? B. 25% E.125% 不知道我是否记错了,机经上的答案好像是125%,但我分析完了题目的意思,觉得应该是25%,大家注意读题吧,不是母语在语言上有点硬伤。 4. There is a semicircle, the radium of which is 6, the distance between a point in its diameter and its center is 2, how much is the distance?(有图,大家意会,简单的解析几何) √(6^2-4)=4√2 5. The profit of a company increase by X percent in 1991 compared to 1990, the profit of it decreased by X% in 1992 compared to 1991, and the profit in 1992 declined by 9% compared to the profit in 1990. What is X? ANS:30 6. A cube consists of 27 little cubes of the same size, the side of which is X, now we gonna paint this cube, so how much paint do we need? (1) To paint the same 6 little cube requires 31.2 mm paint (2) X=2 A 7. 考了不少集合题,具体忘了,但是思路如下: (1) 表格法: Woman Not woman Man Not man (2) 韦恩图法: 整理稿里挺多,大家理解思路。 8. 关于公司的revenue和investment的关系的,1990 和1999,1999年的投资对收入的比例是1990年 投资对收入的比例的两倍:问 1999年投资对1990年投资的比例。 (1)1990年收入是40,1999年收入是 60 (2)从1990年到1999年,投资增加了0.66,收入增加了20 机经给出的答案好像是D,但是题目中(2)条件不是百分比,而是绝对数,因此(2)条件是不充分的,应当选A 9. 10n/7-a=1/7k, n,k are positive integers but less than 7, what is the biggest possible value of a? 应当选8,当n=6,k=4时成立 10. X^2+KX+50=0,K is integer, what is the least value of K in order that the image has two different intersections with X-axis? 选择:there is no least possible value.运用判别式得出K^2-400>0,K可以取负无穷大。 11. A trapezoid, the upper side is b, which is 1/2 of B, the lower side, and the height is h, which is 2B, what is the size of the trapezoid. 选择:3/2B^2 12. Mary is gonna take a group of adults and children to the zoo. Entrance fee for children is 40 and 80 for adults, what is the average entrance fee for this group of people? (1) The number of children of is twice the number of adults (2) There are 4 children. A. 数字我不是太确定,但是答案确定。 13. There are 5 million college students who have credit card, who account for 64% of all students. 20% of stu having credit cards have 4 more than 4 cards. How many students are there in the school who don’t have a credit card or have less than 4 credit card? 选择C, 13.
Verbal: (1)sentence correction 语法难度比较大,我把我记得我选择的写出来,大家参考: 1. Inhibit和inhibition 选择E: use… to inhibit 其他选项还有in the inhibition of,显然,动词优于抽象名词,这样的选项直接排除。 2. Ability to 选择D: his ability to do sth 其他选项还有ability of doing sth, ability只能搭配to do 3. 独立主格: 选择C: some … 错误选项有DE,都是以with some开头,不符合语态,应当是松散的独立主格结构,直接排除 4. Not only, but also 选项记不得了,但是这个考点很简单,平行对称,直接使用排除法 5. Adv. & because 选择B.这题有点摇摆,大家可以查阅相关资料。 错误选项有:DE, because做连词后跟完整句子是最优秀的结构,DE都变成because of sth doing,awkward. A. At least because B. Least because C. Only because, 改变句意 6. 这题印象很深,第40题: An artist, unlike Jackie Tomthan, John is not the Kevin Hopkinson to the united states as much as their Kigburg Wills, the …. A. As much as their B. So much as their C. Rather than its D. Instead its E. Instead of its 7. 状语位置:状语不能轻易改变位置,否则发生句意改变。因此状语改变位置的不选。 A. Irrigating their lands using the water it stored for years 错误选项有irrigating their lands for years using the water it stored.意思发生很大改变。
(2)critical reasoning 感觉这次逻辑正确率应该很高,做得最有把握的就是逻辑了 1. philosopher:有些东西没有aesthetic value,比如对我来说:blablabla junk food就没有任何审美价值。 选择E: different people have different ideas so to whether one particular things have aesthetic value. 2. 某个国家用gas tax修路,第一年的tax revenue is enough for the repairing work in year 1, so the gov claims that since the gas price keeps rising, the tax revenue for this year is more than enough for the repairing working this year. The statement of the gov is based on which of the following assumption? 选择B: the current gas price will not deter the usage of it which will finally prevent it from rising. 3. Sales tax is charges the same amount on a given product no matter the poor or the rich consume it. So, the poor will spend almost all their income on such product, while the rich will still have a large proportion of their income to be saved. If the statement is true, which of the following is supported? 选择:the poor will spend a larger proportion of their incomes than the rich. 4. 某地冬天的雪比秋天的雪大多了,但是秋天report的由于树枝掉落压坏的汽车比冬天多,有一个假说解释:秋天的树有叶子,往往会承受更大的压力导致tree limb段落,问的是加强 选择:很大一部分汽车损坏report说是由于树枝掉落砸坏的 5. 公司经常出钱让研究机构评估他们的产品,而往往公司出钱的评估,都是对公司产品有利的结果,于是有记者就质疑当公司出钱研究时,结果是biased的,问削弱 选择A:当公司觉得药品质量很高时,才会花钱来请研究机构研究
(3) reading comprehension 1. 电视节目对广告对消费者认知的影响 好像只有一段: 第一个人的研究:当节目越精彩,观众对广告的回忆越少(recalled on the commercial),当节目越不精彩,观众对广告的回忆越多。 第二个人的研究:当节目越精彩,观众对广告的态度越积极,当节目越不精彩,态度less positive. 第三个人研究:节目越精彩,观众越involved,因此brain cells感知commercial越inefficient,支持的第一种理论。 问题: Q1:主旨?present theories about a phenomenon, 不要选reconcile之类的,作者态度很中立 Q2:第二个人的研究和第一个人的研究之间的差别?第一个人侧重的是viewers recall on commercials,第二个人侧重的是attitude towards commercial. Q3:which is not true according to the author? 选择D, 其中提到了value for sponsor.
2.   atron-and-painter relationship 第一段:提出第一个人的观点,patron knew little about art, 提出第二个人观点,支持第一个人的观点。这两个人的观点各是一句话,很简略无考点。之后提出第三个人的观点,也是本文主要阐述的观点:patron懂得art,甚至跟painter约法三章,提出preliminary drawing,让patron过目。段末举了一个画大教堂的例子,有考点。 第二段:继续阐述第三个人的观点,并列举了她的介绍和证据支持她的观点。对于patron来说,约法三章可以让画家按他们喜欢的方式画画,对于painter来说,约法三章可以让画家保证收入,因为patron可以修改preliminary,有更大的掌控。 Q1:infer题,就是第一段段末的教堂主雇佣画家画大教堂,选择的答案是:教堂主对画家的preliminary drawings做出了自己的修改。 Q2:infer题,选择的答案是preliminary drawings并不是definitive,因为patron会对初稿做出修改 Q3:主旨题,有点忘了,挺简单的
3. 长阅读:顾客服务 跟机经里的文章有很明显的吻合点,但是很明显并不是完全相同,我想GMAC应该是对原文进行了改写,大家还是应该好好看看英文段落。我再补充点我的思路。 第一段:对现状进行分析,提出问题,认为低成本,高质量并不能满足未来客户的需求,而是应该有更好的customer service。 第二段:对比了handmade craft,对于顾客需求是量身定做。由于后来顾客开始重视mass production,成本和质量成为了主要的侧重点。Manufacture也分成了三个部分,中间的生产环节与upstream和downstream脱节。而且,由于hierarchy,与生产并无直接联系的headquarters还经常对生产环节指手画脚。 第三段:人们发现了upstream与manufacture的脱节的disadvantages,并对此进行了一些改进。(无考点) 第四段:但人们并没有意识到downstream和manufacture的脱节的disadvantage,作者指出此问题能够如何进行改善。 Q1:主旨题,介绍现象,提出改进方案 Q2:infer题:manufacture存在很强烈的阶层(hierarchy) Q3:traditional manufacturing means what? Meeting the deadline. Q4: infer题,选择A,nowadays customers are not so crazy about low cost or high quality. 4. 西班牙水权 第一段:法官现在判定水权被垄断,而当时其实是对水权进行sharing的,段末举了个例子——在美国的西南部,这种传统还被保留下来了(有考点) 第二段:探索这种现象的原因。有一些学者提出了解释这种现象的两种原因,但作者把这两种原因否决了,作者提出了自己的原因。最后,作者以los angeles river为例,说就是有些法官让部分人垄断了水权,其他地方也发现了这种现象。 Q1:问mention southwest的作用:sharing水权的practice widespread,southwest在这种practice的影响下也采取了这样的方式 Q2:考到了关于否决其他学者原因的方面,记不清了 Q3:最后提到los angeles的作用:法官乱判的consequence
PART2 我的经验 下面说说我的经验,我从去年年底开始为考GMAT做准备,但是有效复习时间大约为两个月,考试复习很消耗,建议大家一旦坚定信念要考好,就尽量能每天多抽一些时间,不要持久战,以免各方面都承受不了。 首先说说数学: 感觉我的数学基础算比较好,所以考前看机经基本就能搞定。我觉得对于中国人来说,problem solving一般都没有问题,data sufficiency有可能失分。做题注意以下几点: (1) 隐含条件:有些假设暗含的条件就存在限制范围,如整数,正数等 (2) DS的做题顺序:严格按照看(1),看(2),结合(1)(2)的顺序看,并且严格按这个顺序检查。 (3) 单词记忆 其次说一下语文: (1) 逻辑:逻辑题看似难,其实最简单。要掌握正确的推理方法,并提升阅读速度,做一题逻辑题的时间控制在1min20s左右 (2) 语法:看prep笔记,做题时抓住考点,先通读全文再做选择,第一感觉最准确,不要犹豫,一题语法题的时间控制在1min左右 (3) 阅读:主要是提升阅读速度,拿长文章来练习,阅读时间可以长一点,5min左右,做题要果断,1min一题,并且有意识对文章结构进行分析,对作者态度进行判定。 最后是作文: 我对作文的感触还是比较深的,希望大家别太相信模板这个东西。要多加练习,找到感觉,思维和论证为主,语言是加分项,字数不求多,别太少就行。另外,一定要有有力的example。
经验因人而异,我的方法不一定能适合每个人,大家选取对自己有用的。同时,关于这方面大家有什么想与我探讨的,也可以留言,我也会一一回复。 |