93. Heating-oil prices are expected to be higher this year than last because refiners are paving about S5 a barrel more for crude oil than thev were last year.
(A) Heating-oil prices are expected to be higher this year than last because refiners are paying about $5 a barrel more for crude oil than they were (B) Heating-oil prices are expected to rise higher this year over last because refiners pay about $5 a barrel for crude oil more than they did (C) Expectations are for heating-oil prices to be higher this year than last year's because refiners are paying about $5 a barrel for crude oil more than they did
(D) It is the expectation that heating-oil prices will be higher for this year over last because refiners are paying about $5 a barrel more for crude oil now than what they were
(E) It is expected that heating-oil prices will rise higher this year than last year's because refiners pay about $5 a barrel for crude oil more than they did 答案A, 但是有个疑问,A里面 Heating-oil prices are expected to be higher this year than last because... prices 和 last year 比较 ?这怎么解释? 恳请广大CDer赐教啊!
[此贴子已经被作者于2009/9/17 18:07:43编辑过] |