GWD32-Q11:Severalancient Greek texts provide accounts of people being poisoned by honey thattexts suggest was made from the nectar of rhododendron or oleander plants.Honey made from such nectar can cause the effects the texts describe, but onlyif eaten fresh, since the honey loses its toxicity within a few weeks of beingmade. In Greece ,rhododendrons and oleander bloom only in springtime, when they are thepredominant sources of nectar. Which ofthe following, if true, most strongly support the accounts of Greek texts? A. There are no plants that Greece inancient times that produce more nectar than rhododendrons or oleanders does.B. In areas where neither rhododendrons nor oleandersgrow, honey is never poisonous. C. A beebive’s honeycomb cannot have some sections that contain toxic honeyand other sections that contain nontoxic honey D. Theincidents of honey poisoning that are related in the ancient texts occurred in the springtime or in the early summer E. Whether the honey in a beehive is toxicdepends solely on which plants werethe source of that was used to make the honey. 这道题我在B和D之间徘徊了很久,说实话我觉得两个选项都是对的。我觉得B也加强了文章,没有R和O地方蜂蜜没有毒素,那这个不是也加强了文章认为R和O是毒素来源吗?求NN解释下~
Sunflowersgrowing in pots were placed, with their roots submerged, in the pondcontaminated with radioactive elements. The sunflowers kept growing; in the process, they absorbed radioactiveelements. Within twelve days, 85 percentof the radioactive elements were removed from the water, which is no less thancan be accomplished with the much more expensive conventional filtrationtechniques. Scientists therefore proposeusing sunflowers for decontamination wherever there are radioactivelycontaminated ponds.
Which ofthe following, if true, points to a limitation on the applicability of theproposed method of decontamination? A. Some plants other than sunflowers can alsoremove radioactive elements from water. B. The water in many ponds contaminated withradioactive elements is so cold that it would kill sunflowers whose roots weresubmerged in it. C. Sunflowers that grow with their rootssubmerged in water grow less well than sunflowers growing under optimalconditions on dry land. D. Only species of sunflowers with large leavescan have their roots submerged in water and still keep growing. E. In ponds in which the circulationof the water is artificially increased, sunflowers absorb radioactive elementsfar faster than they do in other ponds. 这题虽然我选了E,但其实我没有发现可以用的选项,是瞎选的,B我觉得文章中说了在12天里继续生长,那就说明短时间内太阳花的生长不受影响,那每隔几天换一次花不是也能达到目的吗?为什么削弱了? GWD-11-Q38:Unprecedentedindustrial growth in the country of Remo has created serious environmentalproblems because factories there lack adequate pollution-control systems. Remo is developing a clean growth plan thatincludes environmental regulations that will require the installation of suchsystems. Since no companies in Remocurrently produce pollution-control systems, the plan, if implemented, willcreate significant opportunities for foreign exporters to marketpollution-control systems. Which ofthe following, if true, most seriously weakens the argument? A. The clean growth plan will provide tax incentivesfor local businesses to develop and manufacture pollution-control devices. B. Foreign exporters would providefactory-trained technicians to maintain the pollution-control systems sold toRemo. C. Industrial lobbyists sponsored bylocal businesses in Remo are trying to prevent the implementation of thegovernment regulations. D. The regulations that Remo plans to implementare much less strict than those in neighboring nations. E. Pollution in Remo has caused serious healthproblems for workers, contributing to a significant increase in the number ofworkdays lost to illness. 正确答案是A,这个选项能够想明白,但C为什么不对呢?如果这个规定连诞生的可能性都没有不是从根本上削弱了吗? PS:还有十来天就考试啦~很紧张啊~逻辑总是速度上不去呀~做了几套题时间都来不及,经常有两三题没做完,个想问一下,这个要是考试也是这样,对成绩影响会很大吗?