According to a recent study, fifteen corporations in the United States that follow a credo of social responsibility are also very profitable. Because of their credos, these fifteen corporations give generously to charity, follow stringent environmental-protection policies, and have vigorous affirmative-action programs. B Which of the following can be correctly inferred from the statements above? (A) Following a credo of social responsibility helps to make a corporation very profitable. (B) It is possible for a corporation that follows a credo of social responsibility to be very profitable. (C) A corporation that gives generously to charity must be doing so because of its credo of social responsibility. (D) Corporations that are very profitable tend to give generously to charity. (E) Corporations that have vigorous affirmative-action programs also tend to follow stringent environmental-protection policies.
看了以前的帖子~ 大家都在讨论 a & b 的差异... 可是 D 呢~ 而且 b 很诡异阿 它只归纳了 前一句 即 “According to a recent study, fifteen corporations in the United States that follow a credo of social responsibility are also very profitable” 后边那句成废话了... 但是 d 就很好的连接 前后了阿~ credo 带来 profitable credo 又是 give generously to charity 的原因... d 正好把两个联系来了.... 恩.... 那位好心人... 帮帮忙———— thxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx |