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发表于 2011-7-14 11:31:12 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

21. Historian: We can learn about the medical history of individuals through chemical analysis of their hair. It is likely, for example, that Isaac Newton’s psychological problems were due to mercury poisoning; traces of mercury were found in his hair. Analysis is now being done on a lock of Beethoven’s hair. Although no convincing argument has shown that Beethoven ever had a venereal disease, some people hypothesize that venereal disease caused his deafness. Since mercury was commonly ingested in Beethoven’s time to treat venereal disease, if researchers find a trace of mercury in his hair, we can conclude that this hypothesis is correct.

Which one of the following is an assumption on which the historian’s argument depends?

(A) None of the mercury introduced into the body can be eliminated.

(B) Some people in Beethoven’s time did not ingest mercury.

(C) Mercury is an effective treatment for venereal disease.

(D) Mercury poisoning can cause deafness in people with venereal disease.

(E) Beethoven suffered from psychological problems of the same severity as Newton

答案B,实在是不知道为什么,我感觉C选项能更好的将Mercury 和 V-disease连接在一起

22. In 1992, a major newspaper circulated throughout North American paid its reporters an average salary paid by its principle competitors to their reporters. An executive of the newspaper argued that this practice was justified, since any shortfall that might exist in the reporters’ salaries is fully compensated by the valuable training they receive through their assignments.

Which one of the following, if true about the newspaper in 1992, most seriously undermines the justification offered by the executive?

(A) Senior reporters at the newspaper earned as much as reporters of similar stature who worked for the newspaper’s principle competitors.

(B) Most of the newspaper’s reporters had worked there for more than ten years.

(C) The circulation of the newspaper had recently reached a plateau, after it had increased steadily throughout the 1980s.

(D) The union that represented reporters at the newspaper was different from the union that represented reporters at the newspaper’s competitors.

(E) The newspaper was widely read throughout continental Europe and Great Britain as well as North America

答案B。 我知道CDE可以很快排除,但是实在看不出B为什么比A好,而且工作了十年能说明什么问题呢?

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发表于 2011-7-14 22:22:38 | 只看该作者
第一题 假设是v导致了D
题中的推理过程是 发现了M在头发中,M用来治疗V. 所以是v导致了d
但是对b取非 most of the people in that period digest M. 这样发现m并不能说明什么 就否定了

第二题没问题。老板说你们工资少的地方给了你们很多的经验 是无价之宝。 但是呢那些工作了很久的人就不适用这个解释。 他们工资少不能说因为可以在经验上得到补充
a 选项没有意义 无关。
 楼主| 发表于 2011-7-14 22:57:52 | 只看该作者
发表于 2011-7-15 00:35:47 | 只看该作者
第一题主要讲头发里找到的元素能证明他身体里也有同样的元素,M是用来治疗V的,V能导致耳聋,所以如果头发中找到了M,那么久肯定患过V。hidden premise是M除了用来治疗V没有其他用途。

D,报社记者与竞争对手记者大有不同,这也许质疑paid its reporters an average salary paid by its principle competitors to their reporters,但是这种差距可以用valuable training they receive 来弥补,并没有构成削弱
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