Q35 to Q37: To compete effectively in interna- tional markets, a nation’s businesses must sustain investment in intangible as Line well as physical assets. Although an (5) enormous pool of investment capital exists in the United States, the country’s capital investment practices put United States companies at a competitive disadvantage. (10) United States capital investment practices, shaped by sporadic and unpredictable changes in tax policy and high federal budget deficits, encourage both underinvestment and overinvest- (15) ment. For example, United States companies invest at a low rate in inter- nal development projects, such as improving supplier relations, that do not offer immediate profit, and systemati- (20) cally invest at a high rate in external projects, such as corporate takeovers, that yield immediate profit. Also, United States companies make too few linkages among different forms of (25) investments. Such linkages are impor- tant because physical assets, such as factories, may not reach their potential level of productivity unless companies make parallel investments in intangible (30) assets such as employee training and product redesign. In general, unlike Japanese and German investment practices, which focus on companies’ long-term interests, United States (35) investment practices favor those forms of investment for which finan- cial returns are most readily available. By making minimal investments in intangible assets, United States com- (40) panies reduce their chances for future competitiveness. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q35: The passage is primarily concerned with - evaluating strategies for improving United States competitiveness in international markets
- illustrating the possible uses of investment capital
- analyzing some failings of capital investment practices in the United States
- suggesting reasons for increasing linkages among different types of investments
- contrasting the benefits of investment in physical assets with the benefits of investment in intangible assets
答案是C,我怎么觉得A也有道理呢? 大家帮忙看看,没人理的话就摆脱版主啦,这里发帖老那么冷清! |