Conclusion: Drastically cutting payroll costs by reducing employees will bolster corporate profits and the national economy Premise: remaining employees must be organized to work more efficiently ==> increase in national productivity ==> allow those who were made jobless to find work from healthier economy B: weakens the conclusion in a way that cutting payroll will not bolster corporate profits because the staff level is already at min level. If cut, companies will have to cut back production also==> bad for economy. A: May not weaken because the costs on the decrease of productivity may still be lower than the costs of hiring underutilized workers. tricky one. i got this one wrong also. i didnt locate the conclusion correctly in first attempt. -- by 会员 chasingM7 (2011/7/28 12:00:10)
And A talks about working overtime while the conclusion concerns about reducing employees to boost productivity and national economy. Yah, locating the conclusion is the most important thing to do. Thx,chasingM7. |