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[录取汇报] 被Brandeis 和UC davis 录了,选哪个?拜托大家给些意见

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发表于 2011-5-19 14:52:43 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
从排名上看,UC davis 更胜一筹,但中介一直推荐我选择Brandeis, 说是位置好,成长性高(根据近几年他们录取的客户的申请难度不断增加判断),而且在当地声誉好。我心想这个Brandeis MBA项目都没参与US news and world report排名怎么就好了呢?希望有了解的同学给点建议,如果可以给我站内信也行。必须在下周一前决定了,谢谢大家帮忙!
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发表于 2011-5-19 15:21:51 | 只看该作者
 楼主| 发表于 2011-5-19 18:48:14 | 只看该作者
-- by 会员 adaadaadalee (2011/5/19 15:21:51)

发表于 2011-5-20 10:17:56 | 只看该作者
Hey there!  Happy to offer up some thoughts.  I don’t know who the “agents” are, but I like to look at things very practically, and compare facts and figures (not opinions.)    So let’s get into it. The average GMAT score at Brandeis is lower than that at Irvine (and Irvine’s average of near 680 is pretty darn good.)  What does that mean?  Well, to generalize, smarter people may be going to Irvine.  Now Brandeis does have a cool international program, and I loved my time in Boston also.  (I went to HBS.)  So you will have great access to Boston.  But do you want to stay in Boston?  Irvine’s location is also great—access not just to LA, but also to the University Research Park, a great advantage for those students.  And finally, there is the issue of size.  Do you know how big the Brandies program is?  It may be the smallest program in the world!  That is why nobody will rank it, it almost…doesn’t exist.  Irvine, however, will give you access to a HUGE network of people worldwide.  If it were me making the decision, and it is a close decision, I would go to Irvine.  I have benefited from the big network of my universities, Brown and Harvard.  And access to the University of California system (the best public school in the US) would be quite valuable.  Look to the facts, not opinions my friend.  And good luck!

Jon Frank
发表于 2011-5-20 12:55:53 | 只看该作者
Hey there!  Happy to offer up some thoughts.  I don’t know who the “agents” are, but I like to look at things very practically, and compare facts and figures (not opinions.)    So let’s get into it. The average GMAT score at Brandeis is lower than that at Irvine (and Irvine’s average of near 680 is pretty darn good.)  What does that mean?  Well, to generalize, smarter people may be going to Irvine.  Now Brandeis does have a cool international program, and I loved my time in Boston also.  (I went to HBS.)  So you will have great access to Boston.  But do you want to stay in Boston?  Irvine’s location is also great—access not just to LA, but also to the University Research Park, a great advantage for those students.  And finally, there is the issue of size.  Do you know how big the Brandies program is?  It may be the smallest program in the world!  That is why nobody will rank it, it almost…doesn’t exist.  Irvine, however, will give you access to a HUGE network of people worldwide.  If it were me making the decision, and it is a close decision, I would go to Irvine.  I have benefited from the big network of my universities, Brown and Harvard.  And access to the University of California system (the best public school in the US) would be quite valuable.  Look to the facts, not opinions my friend.  And good luck!

Jon Frank
-- by 会员 JonFrank (2011/5/20 10:17:56)

Jon, do you think UC Davis and UC Irvine are comparable?  Location wise, UC Davis is not as attractive as UC Irvine.
发表于 2011-5-20 13:42:13 | 只看该作者
Hey there!  Happy to offer up some thoughts.  I don’t know who the “agents” are, but I like to look at things very practically, and compare facts and figures (not opinions.)    So let’s get into it. The average GMAT score at Brandeis is lower than that at Irvine (and Irvine’s average of near 680 is pretty darn good.)  What does that mean?  Well, to generalize, smarter people may be going to Irvine.  Now Brandeis does have a cool international program, and I loved my time in Boston also.  (I went to HBS.)  So you will have great access to Boston.  But do you want to stay in Boston?  Irvine’s location is also great—access not just to LA, but also to the University Research Park, a great advantage for those students.  And finally, there is the issue of size.  Do you know how big the Brandies program is?  It may be the smallest program in the world!  That is why nobody will rank it, it almost…doesn’t exist.  Irvine, however, will give you access to a HUGE network of people worldwide.  If it were me making the decision, and it is a close decision, I would go to Irvine.  I have benefited from the big network of my universities, Brown and Harvard.  And access to the University of California system (the best public school in the US) would be quite valuable.  Look to the facts, not opinions my friend.  And good luck!

Jon Frank
-- by 会员 JonFrank (2011/5/20 10:17:56)

Jon, do you think UC Davis and UC Irvine are comparable?  Location wise, UC Davis is not as attractive as UC Irvine.
-- by 会员 mopton (2011/5/20 12:55:53)

 楼主| 发表于 2011-5-21 23:43:00 | 只看该作者
首先十分感谢来自boston的Jonfrank。另外,我想是不是他真得没看清楚我在问UC davis,那个Irvine和我今年没有关系。 另外,我还有个朋友问了在波士顿读Master的朋友这个MBA项目的情况,和我前期在CD上看得评价真得差距很大,回复如下,希望对其他同学也有些帮助:Our MBA program is not strong - at least upon my graduation

So won't recommend.

Is she coming back to China after graduation? Or she plans to stay in the US? If she wants to stay in the US or come back to HK, I would recommend her to reapply and try Top 10.
发表于 2011-5-22 16:48:26 | 只看该作者
首先十分感谢来自boston的Jonfrank。另外,我想是不是他真得没看清楚我在问UC davis,那个Irvine和我今年没有关系。 另外,我还有个朋友问了在波士顿读Master的朋友这个MBA项目的情况,和我前期在CD上看得评价真得差距很大,回复如下,希望对其他同学也有些帮助:Our MBA program is not strong - at least upon my graduation

So won't recommend.

Is she coming back to China after graduation? Or she plans to stay in the US? If she wants to stay in the US or come back to HK, I would recommend her to reapply and try Top 10.
-- by 会员 sherryfeng (2011/5/21 23:43:00)

 楼主| 发表于 2011-5-22 17:38:57 | 只看该作者
首先十分感谢来自boston的Jonfrank。另外,我想是不是他真得没看清楚我在问UC davis,那个Irvine和我今年没有关系。 另外,我还有个朋友问了在波士顿读Master的朋友这个MBA项目的情况,和我前期在CD上看得评价真得差距很大,回复如下,希望对其他同学也有些帮助:Our MBA program is not strong - at least upon my graduation

So won't recommend.

Is she coming back to China after graduation? Or she plans to stay in the US? If she wants to stay in the US or come back to HK, I would recommend her to reapply and try Top 10.
-- by 会员 sherryfeng (2011/5/21 23:43:00)


-- by 会员 adaadaadalee (2011/5/22 16:48:26)

我也想不通啊!这个同学在Brandeis读master of finance, 这个TOP10的建议会不会太极端了?
发表于 2011-5-24 14:56:27 | 只看该作者
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