According to the Tristate Transportation Authority, making certain improvements to the main commuter rail line would increase ridership dramatically. The authority plans to finance these improvements over the course of five years by raising automobile tolls on the two high-way bridges along the route the rail line serves. Although the proposed improvements are indeed needed, the authority’s plan for securing the necessary funds should be rejected because it would unfairly force drivers to absorb the entire cost of something from which they receive no benefit. 119. Which of the following, if true, would cast the most doubt on the effectiveness of the authority’s plan to finance the proposed improvements by increasing bridge tolls? (A) Before the authority increases tolls on any of the area bridges, it is required by law to hold public hearings at which objections to the proposed increase can be raised. (B) Whenever bridge tolls are increased, the authority must pay a private contractor to adjust the automated toll-collecting machines. (C) Between the time a proposed toll increase is announced and the time the increase is actually put into effect, many commuters buy more tokens than usual to postpone the effects of the increase. (D) When tolls were last increased on the two bridges in question, almost 20 percent of the regular commuter traffic switched to a slightly longer alternative route that has since been improved. (E) The chairman of the authority is a member of the Tristate Automobile Club that has registered strong opposition to the proposed toll increase.
答案是D没问题。A和E据OG解释Choices A and E suggest that the plan might face opposition but not that it will be defeated not that the anticipated revenue will not be generated. Therefore neither A nor E is correct.LAWER在OG67中有这么一句话“对WEAKEN题,问自己,是否该选项迫使作者重新考虑他的观点或必须作出反应。否则他的观点就要受怀疑。”当时我非常同意,我也觉得,WEAKEN选项的目的是在成立的情况下,可以或可能造成WEAKEN的结果,并不一定造成WEAKEN的结果!但A和E两个选项按OG的解释可能造成反对该计划的效果,确实“迫使作者重新考虑他的观点或必须作出反应。否则他的观点就要受怀疑”,按LAWER的理论不也就造成削弱效果了吗?