A is the right answer. The argument builds its case of connection between helping others and increasing life span. A says both properties are related to another host - woman. This is a typical correlation and causation question. When two things - A and B - happen together, it could be 1) A causes B 2) B causes A 3) c causes both A and B -- by 会员 sdcar2010 (2011/3/10 12:08:32)
似乎有点懂了,ls的意思就是说,其实这个只是个巧合,意思就是说是因为women的原因导致了volunteer和longevity同时发生,即你说的情况三,对么? 但是如果这么想呢,women做volunteer所以longevity,men不怎么做volunteer所以不longevity,那这样岂不是不能削弱了?反而变成对题目的加强了? 然后我又有一个想法,如果真的是加强,就不能分women或者是men,换而言之,如果说的是对people进行整体研究,这样就是彻底的加强了。我这个想法是想解释你的说法。不知道我的意思你没有看懂呢?我的语文不大好。。。请见谅啊 |