以下是引用1stzhang在2003-5-30 18:03:00的发言: [face=Georgia] Computer operating system software has become increasingly standardized. But when a large business with multiple, linked computer systems uses identical operating system software on all of its computers, a computer vandal who gains access to one computer automatically has access to the data on all the computers. Using a program known as a "virus" the vandal can then destroy much of the data on all the computers. If such a business introduced minor variations into its operating system software, unauthorized access to all the computers at the same time could be virtually eliminated. Furthermore variations in operating system software can be created without any lose of computer compatibility to the business. Therefore, it is advisable for businesses to implement such variations.
15. Which one of the following, if true , supports the conclusion in the passage?
(A) Standardization of computer operating system software has increased computer compatibility among different businesses.
(B) Correcting any damage resulting from an invasion by a computer virus program is more expensive than preventing the damage
(C) It is not costly for a business to maintain incompatible computer operating systems.
(D) There are other kinds of destructive computer programs that do not depend on inter computer links.
(E) Not all businesses need to share date among their internal computer systems.
我的理解: 原文的主要矛盾是: 计算机系统多样化对系统安全性的好处。。 为了SUPPORT这个观点,作者进行了如下ARGUMENT: 先阐述了计算机不多样化的缺点。。。然后阐述多样化对系统的好处。。FURTHERMORE,这样多样化后不会对兼容性有影响(注意,FURTHERMORE后的内容是ARGUMENT中典型排除其他比较因素的手法,言下之意,这里比较只比较安全性,兼容已经不在考虑范围内了。。。因为多样化后兼容性没影响嘛)