23. The existentialists are right about one thing: we are alone, radically alone. The proof is obvious. Suppose you were born with a physiology that permitted you to perceive only negative images, that is, you saw black where everyone else saw white and white where everyone else saw black. Nevertheless, you would learn to call what you saw as black by the name “white” because this is what you would be taught, and there would be no way that you could discover your error.
Which one of the following can be validly inferred from the statements in the argument above?
(A) Some people are born with reversed perceptions of black and white, and they cannot discover this.
(B) People with reversed perceptions of black and white would not choose their words any differently from anyone else.
(C) Existentialism is a sound philosophy, as is amply demonstrated by the physiology of color perception.
(D) The existentialists claim that some people are born with reversed perceptions of black and white.(B)
(E) The existentialists claim that people mean different things when they use the words “black” and “white.”
24. Odysseus answered well when the priests showed him a picture of those who had honored the gods and then escaped shipwreck, and asked him whether he did not now acknowledge the power of the gods—“Yes,” he asked, “but where are those pictured who were drowned after their prayers?” And such is the way of all superstitions; wherein humans, having a delight in such vanities, mark the events where they are fulfilled, but where they fail, though this happens much oftener, neglect and pass them by.
Which one of the following contains the error of reasoning described by the author in the passage?
(A) I have discovered that Friday the 13th really is a day of misfortune. Just this past Friday, the 13th, I locked myself out of the house.
(B) Although Napoleon and Alexander the Great were short, Abraham Lincoln and Charles de Gaulle were tall. So short people seek leadership in order to overcome feelings of inferiority.
(C) Every semester for the past 15 years, an average of 10 percent of Ms. Elliot’s history students have dropped her course before the exam. So, it seems likely that we can expect 10 percent to drop out this year.
(D) No reliable observer has ever actually seen a yeti. The strongest evidence seems to be some suspicious tracks. So I think this search for a yeti is probably a wild-goose chase.(A) (E) I cannot trust my lucky shirt any longer. I wore it to the game today and our team lost.