During the month of May, crabs arrive on Delaware’s beaches to lay eggs.Certain shorebirds depend on these eggs for food during their annual spring migration to their northern breeding grounds.Delaware ’s crab population has declined recently.This decline, however, poses no serious threat to the migrating shorebird populations:by remaining longer in Delaware, the birds will be able to eat enough crab eggs to allow them to complete their migration. Which of the following, if true, most seriously weakens the argument?
A.No other food available to the birds on Delaware’s beaches is as nutritious and accessible as are crab eggs.
B.The decline in the number of crabs on Delaware’s beaches is due to the harvesting of crabs by humans.
C.There are more crabs on Delaware’s beaches than in any other area that the migrating birds pass through.
D.The crabs do not conceal their eggs.
E The earlier in the season the shorebirds complete their migration, the more likely they are to breed successfully. 大家统一给出选E的原因是因为 影响了breeding成功率,就会影响鸟的数量,可是我真是不明白 ,breeding是发生在迁徙之后的事啊,文章的结论是pose no threat to the migrating poputions,这个migrating populations 是在飞去breeding的途中到D这个地方来吃蛋的鸟的数量吧,题目说的是不会影响这群鸟的数量,跟E回答的影响他们迁徙完成后下蛋成功的数量有个毛关系啊?????这根本就是不相干不是吗?举个不雅的例子,一群孕妇到海边抓鱼吃,虽然鱼少了,但是这不会影响到海边来抓鱼的孕妇的数量,因为孕妇可以在海边多停留一会吃够了再回家去生小孩,E就说她们越早捡完回家,她们的生小孩成功率就越高,但是不管她们多待或者少待会,不管生小孩成功率高或低,她们还是都得来吃啊,要不然别说生小孩,连飞到生小孩的地方都飞不去直接饿死了啊,所以这个这个怎么会导致到海边来抓鱼吃的孕妇的数量的?求讲的明白的啊,跪求,跪谢
谢谢上面的回答,我还是不明白,不过我现在在想是不是题目本身有问题,题目的逻辑链是because migrating brid populations can stay long enough to eat eggs so the decrease of crab eggs poes no threat to the migrating populations, 如果逻辑连是这样的话,那么答案是E还真是绝配,E刚好反驳了给出的前提,鸟儿不能停留的很久,扒拉扒拉, ……………………,但我觉得这题逻辑上有问题啊,如果我上面的逻辑链正确的话,那按照原文的逻辑连,就是鸟儿停留的够久了,迁徙的数量就不会被降低,为神马啊?这个逻辑是怎么回事啊,我觉得GMAT考逻辑再变态,也不能脱离 实际生活吧?我怎么不懂这个是什么意思i呢?再求指点,小弟说的对不对?????????