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RNA as Memory Basis

发表于 2009-2-15 22:11:00 | 只看该作者

RNA as Memory Basis

Many researchers believe that the presence of RNA in brain cells is the biochemical basis of memory; that is, the presence of RNA enables us to remember.  Because certain chemicals are known to inhibit the synthesis of RNA in the body, we can test this hypothesis.  Animals that have learned particular responses can be injected with an RNA inhibitor and then tested for memory of the learned responses.  Which of the following test results would most seriously weaken the case for RNA as the basis of the memory?

A. After an injection of RNA inhibitor, a wide range of behaviors in addition to the learned responses were affected.

B. After an injection of RNA inhibitor, animals that had not consistently been giving the learned responses were able to give them consistently.

C. After injections of RNA inhibitor, some animals lost memory of the learned responses totally but others lost it only partially.

D. After a small injection of RNA inhibitor, animals responded well, but as the size the injection increased, they gave fewer of the learned responses.

E. After an injection of RNA inhibitor, animals could not learn a new response.

发表于 2009-2-15 22:39:00 | 只看该作者

The researchers believe that the presence of RNA enables us to remember. However, if, after 


an injection of RNA inhibitor, animals gave learned responses more consistently than before, 


it would appear that the absence of RNA facilitates memory. Therefore, the correct answer is 




A is incorrect. These results would suggest that RNA is the basis of other abilities in addition 


to that of memory, but there is nothing in them that would weaken the case for RNA as the 


basis of memory. C is not correct. These results support the case that RNA is the basis of 


memory, although they suggest that the degree of effectiveness of either RNA or RNA 


inhibitor may vary. D is incorrect. These results would suggest that RNA must be strongly 


inhibited in order to impair memory, but still support the case for RNA as the basis of memory. 


The last answer choice is also incorrect. These results would suggest that RNA is necessary 


for new learning, and as the learning would require memory, the results would support the 


case for RNA as the basis of memory.  

[此贴子已经被作者于2009-2-15 22:43:35编辑过]
 楼主| 发表于 2009-2-15 22:57:00 | 只看该作者


 楼主| 发表于 2009-2-17 13:38:00 | 只看该作者


发表于 2010-9-2 16:29:17 | 只看该作者
B选项是说注射过RNA抑制剂后,原来那些不能做出连贯的学过的反应得动物现在能连贯的做出反应了,也就是说原来不太记住,现在大了RNA抑制剂后却记得清楚了,因此削弱了原来的结论---RNA抑制剂能阻碍记忆。C,D,都是加强,A 中的a wide range of behaviors无关,E中的a new response.也是无关选项
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