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分数不高Q51+V19总分580, 意料之中的战败啊~奇迹尚未出现,在下仍需努力!
AA 同6-29 AA1 The following appeared in a memorandum from the CEO of a consumer electronics manufacturing firm to the head of the company's human resources department, who is responsible for hiring new employees: “Eight years ago, our firm’s profits were increasing with each new employee we added. We discovered that each employee had the skills and motivation to generate more revenue for the firm than his or her salary cost us. However, for the past two years, our profit margin has been falling, even though we have continued to add employees. Thus, our newer employees are not generating enough revenue to justify their salaries. We must not be hiring new employees with the same level of skills and motivation as those we used to attract. Clearly, then, failures in the human resources department account for our falling profits.”
AI 新题哦~我回来找遍题库都没有见到,原题是这样滴~(莫非AWA官方题库更新了?!TX要注意啦!) how effectively one learns in classroom depends more on the teacher than on the other students. Discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the opinion stated above.Support your views with reasons and/or examples from your own experience,observations,or reading.
Quantative 果然见着不少狗神,先说我碰到的新题,再对着狗狗补充几个题目~ 新题 说在1997年A比B薪水高,A的薪水1999年比1998高3%, B的薪水也是1999比1998高3%,问A的薪水1999年比1997年高多少? A 3% B 3.03% C 6% D 6.09% E 9% 我不明白这里提到2个人干嘛,也不晓得是否该用复利计算,用了近4分钟来思考,最后蒙着选了个C 6%
X,Y,Z为整数, 求X+Y+Z=? (1) X+3Y+5Z=10 (2) 3X+5Y+7Z=12 我选C 两式相减即可
狗狗20 不过正方形面积改为16了,大家小心数据~
狗狗22/23 补充 问下列几个数的倒数不是整数 0.25 0.125 0.0125 0.0625 0.625 我选0.625 5/8嘛
狗狗47 是个DS题,图是对的,为了求PQ距离,应该知道下面哪个条件? (1) X=2 (2) Y=3应该选A
狗狗56 图片我这里贴不了,放附件里了~这题就是考空间想像能力的 求AP+AQ在立方体中的距离和,我算出来的是2倍根号2
狗狗82 问XY>0 (1)X2Y<0 (2)X<Y 我选C
狗狗86 说有150选课, 74人选A, 60人选B, 二者都不选的是二者都选的人数的5倍,问二者都选的人数, 我算出来是 4
狗狗95 给出A, A=x=3y=6z,xyz都是正整数,问下列哪个可能是A的值? A 15 B 20 C 25 D 28 E 32 我选A, 其实这题本质就是求公倍数, 解法参考狗狗
终于到了VERBAL部分,我的心头痛啊! RC 2个是狗狗上面的, 出现了2个新题 3. Var金融指标; 42 革命观变化
主题是讲comsuption consentrate P1首先提出购买率不等同于消费率,因为有些促销手段比如低价策略虽然可以刺激一时的购买,但不能获得持续的消费; P2提出comsuption consentrate观点, 说这个才是提高顾客忠诚度的关键, comsuption consentrate可以从多种策略获得,比如包装吸引人啊, 然后高comsuption consentrate水平的顾客忠诚度高, 反之则低; 最后有补充说明, 虽然低价策略不是个好的促销手段, 但是有可能因此吸引一些新顾客, 在加上comsuption consentrate相应策略的持续作用就可以比较好的提升顾客忠诚度
还有一篇是讲学习曲线的, P1介绍什么是学习曲线, P2就说明在管理应用中如何运用学习曲线
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