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【求解】狒狒135 - 135,完全理解不能啊~

发表于 2010-7-11 23:17:40 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
135. In a new police program, automobile owners in some neighborhoods whose cars are not normally driven between 1 A.M. and 5 A.M. can display a special decal in the cars’ windows and authorize police to stop the cars during those hours to check the drivers’ licenses. The theft rate for cars bearing such decals is much lower than had been usual for cars in those neighborhoods.

If it is concluded from the statements above that automobile theft has been reduced by the program, which one of the following would be most important to answer in evaluating that conclusion?

A. Are owners who are cautious enough to join the program taking other special measures to protect their cars against theft?
B. In how many neighborhoods is the police program operating?
C. Are cars in neighborhoods that are actively participating in the program sometimes stolen during daylight hours?
D. Will owners who have placed decals on their cars’ windows but who find it necessary to drive between 1 A.M. and 5 A. M. Be harassed by police?
E. Are the neighborhoods in which the program has been put into effect a representative cross section of neighborhoods with respect to the types of automobiles owned by residents?

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发表于 2010-7-11 23:42:23 | 只看该作者
一点愚见: 题目的evaluate, 就是要补出一项加强或消弱的取非。
题目认为正是因为汽车都贴了decal 所以小偷比较少了  
选项A正是一个标准的、 给出他因的取非:可不可能是车主自己比较小心所以使偷窃少了??而不是因为decal?

呵呵 今天刚开始复习逻辑,CD的菜鸟一个,加油啦
发表于 2010-7-12 09:28:51 | 只看该作者
恩 应该是A 消除他因
 楼主| 发表于 2010-7-12 12:24:15 | 只看该作者
一点愚见: 题目的evaluate, 就是要补出一项加强或消弱的取非。
题目认为正是因为汽车都贴了decal 所以小偷比较少了  
选项A正是一个标准的、 给出他因的取非:可不可能是车主自己比较小心所以使偷窃少了??而不是因为decal?

呵呵 今天刚开始复习逻辑,CD的菜鸟一个,加油啦
-- by 会员 2008115061 (2010/7/11 23:42:23)

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