ruiyu MM ,请问你是考GMAT吗?LSAT逻辑是可以用来练习阅读的,它的逻辑考点和GMAT的确不一样,但是有相通之处。FEIFEI逻辑都来自LSAT的题目。如果你觉得LSAT不合适,想用GRE逻辑练习GMAT,个人意见是没有必要。如果你是要考GRE的话,可以去寄托等GRE相关的网站看看。这里更侧重GMAT和TOEFL。
If your schedule is tight, don't use GRE. The stuff in daquan is enough. You need to have a look at jijing one month before the test date. If you are sure it is Shinogigi, you can give her a message to learn abt her experience. Maybe she can give u some tips. Good luck!