4. Mainline Airways was bought by its employees six years ago. Three years ago, Mainline hired QualiCo Advertising Agency to handle its promotions and advertising division. Today Mainline’s profits are over 20 percent higher than they were five years ago and 10 percent higher than they were three years ago. Employee ownership and a good advertising agency have combined to make Mainline more profitable. Which of the following best describes the weak point in the argument above? (A) It fails to establish a causal connection between the change in ownership at Mainline Airways and the hiring of QualiCo, on the one hand, and the rise in Mainline’s profits, on the other. (B) It presents no evidence showing that employee-owned airlines are any more profitable than other airlines. (C) It assumes that the profits of Mainline Airways will continue to rise. (D) It gives no exact figures for the current profits of Mainline Airways. (E) It fails to explain how the profits of Mainline Airways are calculated.
you did not get the conclusion of the argument. It is argued that "Employee ownership and a good advertising agency have combined to make Mainline more profitable".
So whether Mainline or other employee-owned airlines are more profitable than others is not relevant here. In another word, even if Mainline or such airlines are much less profitable than those not owned by employees, the conclusion of the argument can still hold, as long as Mainline and others are more profitable than if they were not employee-owned.
Read carefully and understand the elements of the argument first before you find the answer.
推出的结论 Employee ownership and a good advertising agency have combined to make Mainline (more) profitable. 即.E+A的管理使M公司的赢利能力更强了.
A.“It fails to establish a causal connection between ” M自己管理(Employee ownership)2年增加 10%,M请了Agency(Employee ownership and a good advertising agency)来管理3年才增加10%多一点
所以在整个推论中,前提(给出的事实)和结论(E+A--->more profitable)跟本够不成(fails to establish)因果关系(causal connection)
If it is FACT, you can not weaken it. It is a conclusion because it is inferred based on the two facts. I do not understand why this is not a conclusion. What is your reasoning?
BTW, since it is an argument, there should be premises and conclusion. Energy, what are the elements of this argument?