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[原始] 二战730,没有准备好的战役

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发表于 2010-6-9 23:13:04 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式








都很简单,大家大胆选吧,就一个rectangular polygon 当时懵了,大家注意一下。


Despite那个题 我遇到了,我选那个后面跟名词形式的选项,应该是that从句。

还有个题,ABC…B是插入语,注意C的动词形式要与A agreement,不过这题难点不在这儿,在于后面,B后面跟了个从句,一个选项是that修饰B最后的名词,一个是of that什么的,我选了后面那个,表示是前面整个句子导致后面的结果而不是最后那个名词导致的,这题很绕。


逻辑:只记得一个极其恶心,一个六行,讲了什么A病毒cook后会对人健康造成伤害,又说什么还没有发现A造成伤害的研究,然后又说B这个东西也会造成伤害,然后科学家就不同意B了,问评价:我选了B cook后是否会形成对人造成伤害的物质。  这题及其恶心,前面五行基本没用。




黑人奴隶那篇没记错的话,应该重点并不是黑人奴役,而是美国法律对于黑人奴役的辩证,说什么美国法律其实很奇怪,联邦认为奴役黑人是犯法的,而地方法律又说是不犯法的,就是这样绕过去绕过来的,考到一个confused的高亮题,我选美国法律不同地方有不同的规定。还有一提题目忘了,我选美国不允许向国外买卖奴隶,却允许国家内(within boundary)买卖。

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-- by 会员 yaoyaoer (2010/6/9 23:34:06)

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Enjoy your World Cup!
发表于 2010-6-10 03:17:18 | 只看该作者


有六种语言的种族分类问题 【考古+背景知识】

人类学家本强行把publeo(一个种族,大概这么拼)人算成一个种族,虽然他们说着六种不同语言。这个族的人的文化和其他族的人有明显的不一致性,这是 人类学家这么分的道理。后来又说了很多,好像是在讲为什么划分这个种族这么困难,因为他们经常在部落之间交流文化,经常变换信奉的东西。。。后来两三个句 子,一直在讲这个族的特征。        题目是:主旨题,还有一个很长的细节题(晕)。。。注意:这篇文章很短,但没有明显的转折词,把握脉络很困难。选项间差别不大,很迷惑。做时候,第一篇尽量每句都看懂它,一句也别拉下。

第一篇是有关一个民族p, 对p为什么定义为一个族群进行了探讨。主要有人疑惑这群人说6种截然不同的语言。这群人的同类的特征并不同时发生,他们有时候这个时期一部分人有一个特征,其他人没 有,但随着时间的转移,其他人会慢慢有这个特征。
【版本1】很多人类学家在谈到peublo的文化的时候,都用一种peublo culture(singular form,单数)来指代,因此他们必须justify 这个有400000something 人的部落,说着6 different languages,但是他们却用单数的culture而不是用cultures来指代他们的文化,为此必须 justify why 400000 people in this race speak 6 differentlanguages。这些人类学者所提供的justification是一种概念化的东西:研究一个团体,他们就只去寻找这个团体中的共同,而且不变的 特征。而实际上这个p根本就不是一成不变的,他们文化的特征常常在不同的部落中间转变的。他们在一个相对confined的地方生活,在英国使美国大部 分地区变成殖民地的时候,他们也逃脱了英国的控制,使他们更有自己的空间survive他们的文化不同性。一个更加重 要的例子就是,在文化发展之前,他们就开始在小部落之间交换货物,技术,文化,虽然他们语言不一样,但是这样的交流无疑促进了他们的文化不同性。

题目1:以前的人类学家用culture的单数形式 (singularform)来指代P的文化,必须要justify(辨证)什么。

(the nation is in alinguistically diverse group)。



题目3:如果文章主题题目:指出人类学家在研究p民族的过程中一个错误的assumption有两个选项比较干扰,一个是说 作者指出人类学家的ASSUMPTION,一个是说作者反对人类学家的一种APPROACH。
【版本2】 有一篇短文.人类学家研究居住 在New Mexico和Arizona的某 类人(单词不认识,Pxxxxxx).这类人大概有40,000, 讲6种语言。还有他们的文化上的相同性等等。【版本3】Mexican Culture. 以前anthropologist 把一些mexican-indian culture 统称为“the pueblo”, 而忽略了他们本身实际上都有6种语言系统。而且pueblo一般是mexican 自己来区别自己和居住在同一个community的其他culture. 后面又提到,连那些anthropologist认为是pueblo共性的什么东西(xx cult), 有些mexican也不做的. 后面还提到这些 墨西哥人很大的特点就是不管怎么样都住在原驻地(我记得不是很清楚),互相之间也有联系之类。【版本4】某民族Peudio(?)文化研究. 老观点认为其文化具有同一性. 作者认为应该 是多元化的, 以其多语言交流为例说明其适应性. 【版本5】在Mexico 和Arizona的某 民族Plupe的文化研究. 老观点(impression)认为其文化具有同一性. 作者认为应该是 多元化的, 以其多语言交流为例说明其适应性. 作者认为老观点之所以有这样的impression, 是因为老观点基于对某个“概念”(忘了单词了)的认同。【版本6】JJ主人700说人类学家把Pueblo看作一个群体有待于证明,因为Pueblo得人说6种语言。Pueblo的人把自己看作一各群体是因为他们认为自己与Pueblo以外的人不一样。人类学家把一个群体定义为共享一种文化的人,但是在Pueblo中有好几种不同文化,而且文化不是共享的。后面忘了….题目有1.    主旨题2.    提高的那个人类学家群体的定义什么的

老观点:虽然mexican-indianculture有400000人,说6种不同语言,但是很多人类学家把mexican-indian culture 统称为“thepueblo”。

新观点:通过justify why 400000 people in this race speak 6 differentlanguages来说明P部落根本不是一个一尘不变的整 体,P部落中包含着很多小部落,以及这些小部落形成的原因。

文章段落还不是很清楚,但是脉络已经比较清晰了,建议大家读读背景文章,多点有关的单词量也 是好的。:)

【背景知识 】:
二、puebloPueblo, name given by the Spanish to the sedentary原生的/定居的 Native Americans who lived in stone or adobe communal公有的/共用的houses in what is now the SW United States. The term pueblo is also used for the villages occupied by the Pueblo. Their prehistoric settlements, known as the Anasazi and Mogollon cultures, extended southward from S Utah and S Colorado into Arizona, New Mexico, and adjacent territory in Mexico. The transition from Archaic 古代的(see Americas, antiquity and prehistory of the) hunters and gatherers to sedentary agricultural populations occurred around the 1st cent. A.D., when corn玉米, squash,南瓜 and beans were widely adopted; the trio三个一组of foods is still used by the Pueblo. Although agriculture provided the bulk of the diet for these early populations, hunting and gathering was an important source of additional foodstuffs. Pottery陶器 manufacture began about A.D. 400 and was used for cooking and water storage. Clothing was woven from cotton, grown in warmer areas, and yucca 丝兰花fiber. Early houses among the Anasazi and Mogollon were pit地窖 houses, which were replaced by adobe and stone surface dwellings住所 throughout the region by the end of the first millennium A.D.Villages were variable in size and architectural content, but most included circular, often subterranean structures known as kivas (apparently a derivation of the pit house) and storage pits for grains. Prior to the 14th and 15th cent., densely settled villages were more the exception than the rule. Large pueblos were found at Chaco Canyon, dating to the 11th and early 12th cent., and at Mesa Verde, where multistoried cliff houses were inhabited in the 13th and 14th cent.; a great lunar observatory was built at Chimney Rock, S Colo., in the 11th cent. Changing climatic conditions forced the abandonment of much of the region by the early 14th cent., with populations migrating to their present-day locations in the Rio Grande valley and a few other isolated areas (e.g., the Hopi mesas).Initial contact with European populations came in the 16th cent., when Spaniards entered the Rio Grande area. The seven Zuñi towns were reported by the Franciscan Marcos de Niza to be the fabulous Seven Cities of Cibola, leading to the first intensive contacts—a Spanish exploration party under Francisco Vásquez de Coronado in 1540. Due to increasing pressure on the existing food supplies, the initially friendly Pueblo became hostile and then revolted; their resistance ended in a mass execution of Native Americans by Coronado. In 1598 Juan de Oñate began full-scale missionary work and moved the provincial headquarters of the Spanish colonial government to Santa Fe. By 1630, 60,000 Pueblo had been converted to Christianity, and 90 villages had chapels,小教堂 according to Father de Benavides.Determined to put an end to the suffering caused by their Spanish oppressors, the Pueblo staged a successful revolt in 1680. Popé, a medicine man, led a band of Pueblo who killed 380 settlers and 31 missionaries and forced the remaining Spaniards to retreat 撤退/退却to El Paso. However, the Pueblo lost 347 of their number in one attack on Santa Fe. Fearing Spanish reprisal报复, villages were abandoned for better fortified要塞/防御 sites. In 1692 De Vargas, with the cooperation of some Pueblo leaders, reconquered the Pueblo in New Mexico. The Western Pueblo, however, including the Hopi, remained independent.The Pueblo have the oldest settlements N of Mexico, dating back 700 years for the still-occupied Hopi, Zuñi, and Acoma pueblos. The Europeans who settled in the Southwest adopted the adobe structures and compact village plans of the Pueblo. The Pueblo, for their part, adopted many domestic animals and assorted分类 crafts from the Old World, including blacksmithing and woodworking.Among the modern Pueblo, men are the weavers and women make pottery and assist in house construction. The status of women among both the Western and the Eastern Pueblo is high, but there are differences related to the different social systems of each. The Western Pueblo, including the Hano, Zuñi, Acoma, Laguna, and, the best known, the Hopi, have exogamous异族结婚 clans氏族 with a matrilineal母系的 emphasis and matrilocal居住在女方家 residence, and the houses and gardens are owned by women; the kachina cult emphasizes weather control, and the Pueblo who follow this cult are governed by a council of clan representatives. Among the Eastern Pueblo, there are bilateral extended families, patrilineal clans, and male-owned houses and land; warfare and hunting as well as healing治疗 and exorcism驱魔术 are more important than among the Western Pueblo.The Spanish added new elements to the government in the form of civil officers, but the de facto事实上的,in fact government and ceremonial organization remained native. The Bureau of Indian Affairs introduced elected officials in Santa Clara, Laguna, Zuñi, and Isleta, and the Hopi have an elected council on the tribal level. The Kachina and other secret societies dealing with war, agriculture, and healing still carry out their complicated rituals and dances: for some occasions, the public is invited. In 1990 there were some 55,000 Pueblo in the United States, the largest groups being the Hopi, Zuñi, Laguna, and Acoma.
发表于 2010-6-11 07:50:55 | 只看该作者
LZ 二战准备二个月也还是不够么????求正解
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