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发表于 2009-4-8 11:43:00 | 只看该作者



In interviews with jurors inquiring how they arrived at their verdicts, researchers found that 40 percent of the references juror made were to factors that had not been included in courtroom testimony. To improve the jury system, the researchers suggested that judges give instructions to the jury at the beginning of trial rather than at the end. They argued that this would permit jurors to concentrate on the most relevant evidence rather than filling in gaps with their own assumptions, which have little to do with the legality of a case.


The answer to which of the following questions is LEAST directly relevant to evaluating the researchers’ suggestion above?


A  Is it possible for a judge to instruct a jury at the end of a trial in such a way that jurors will disregard any irrelevant factors they had been using to weigh the evidence?

B  Will a jury that hears a judge’s instructions at the beginning of a trial be able to weigh the evidence accordingly once that evidence has actually been presented?

C  Will having judges give instrctions at the begining of a trial rather than at the end significantly after the customary procedures employed by the judicial system?

D  When jurors are queried as to how they arrived at their verdicts, does their interpretation of their decision-making process include many references to factors that were not, in fact, influential?

E  If jurors hear the judge’s instructions at the beginning of a trial, what percentage of the factors that influence their decisions will be matters that were not presented in the evidence?




Our system of unemplyment insurance is self-defeating, since it requires those receiving benefits to devote their time to seeking work. We are in a period of tremedous economic change, and today an unemployed worker is probably out of  work because his position has been eliminated. It would be more pratical, therefore, to require the beneficiaries of unemployment, insurance to enroll in classes that would teach them skills that will lead to successful self-employment.


An assumption central to the following argument is that


A  The benefits paid to an unemployed worker are drawn from money collected from the worker during period of his employment.

B  Few industries that were important to the economy at the time the current system of unemployment insurance was created are essential in today’s economic climate.

C  For the system of unemployment insurance to benefit society as a whole, the insurance of the individual unemployed worker may have to be sacrificed.

D  As the economy changes, there will be an increasing number of job oppotunities available for skilled workers.

E  Most of those currently receiving unemployment unsurance can be adequately retrained for the jobs that will be available in the near future.


答案E  我选D的



发表于 2009-4-9 12:12:00 | 只看该作者
我逻辑是从做ASSUMPTION 开始 so 我先来回答你的第2题



做assumption 的我的原则,排出无关选项后

1)正确选项+ 原题的premise 能必推出 结论

现有的INSURANCE 体系自相矛盾,他只是让找不到工作的人找工作。很多人丢失工作是因为这个工种被淘汰了。结论:更实际的做法,现有的体系应该是鼓励拿INSURANCE人去训练新适合就业的技能。


D 将会有更过的工作机会给掌握技能的人 --〉可视无关选项,没有涉及训练
E 这些人能够被训练成适合新工作    -〉弥补一个明显的GAP

D 取非:未来没有多工作机会 -〉 无法weaken
E 取非:这些人不能被训练到适合工作 - 〉weaken
发表于 2009-4-9 12:14:00 | 只看该作者
个人感觉 第一反应就是E 抓到E 后 不需要多去想D 为什么错 造成联想过度

发表于 2009-4-9 12:44:00 | 只看该作者
先来看题干中研究者研究的核心。主要是在说现在的陪审团制度有一个问题,目前法官给提示是在审判结束时,这样陪审员在作出裁决时会有主观臆想的因素,也就是文中所说的40%。所以研究者建议法官在审判最一开始就给予提示,这样陪审员就可以concentrate on最相关的证据上了。

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