Radio stations with radio data system (RDS) technology broadcast special program information that only radios with an RDS feature can receive. Between 1994 and 1996, the number of RDS radio stations in Verdland increased from 250 to 600. However, since the number of RDS-equipped radios in Verdland was about the same in 1996 as in 1994, the number of Verdlanders receiving the special program information probably did not increase significantly.
Which of the following is an assumption on which the argument depends?
语法 感觉考了n多题 1. 其中考到了thrifty的用法,选项中有being thrify with goods and services和being thrity for goods and services 2. 还有一题涉及到demand的用法,大家看看是否有demand it后接be的用法,如果没有,那该题所有带demand it的选项都错 3. 另外一题是考的比较,还考了as的用法,大概意思是一个公司花在某项事情上的费用是其对手所花费用的4倍,但该倍数其实比的是两个公司在该事情上的花费占其总收入的百分比,划线在four times as much as后面开始,一个关键是那个花费占收入的百分比怎么表示,选择中有its rival's spending, as a percentage of its net income 此外考到了平行,比较,倒装,大家可以重点复习一下
阅读 1. CIO,大家看jj,我考到的是GWD原文,但题目有一题不同,问了“ Yet it can be argued that ...”在文中的作用,不过答案忘了 2. 女权主义与女性主义,大家多看看jj 问题问了作者对文中最后那段所提一个theory的态度。答案有negative, laudatory 等,我选了negative,因为作者认为这个理论既否定了什么,又忽略了什么 问题还问了作者对传统观点认为feminism源于antislavery的看法,答案有incomplete, flawed等 3. 讲gray economy的,其中一个问题是根据文中促成gray economy发展的因素,那个选项其策略类似于可以阻止gray economy发展的策略,两个选项比较纠结,一个是教练给运动员们一个总的比赛方针,但没规定他们面对面单挑的战术,另一个是学校制定sufficient for learning的规章但该规章又不至于严格到促使学生去do stealth 4. 讲以前英属殖民地澳大利亚的土著人的legal system的,但没怎么记住