There are 120people in town going grocery shopping. 30 people bought Milk. 20 people boughtOrange Juice. How many bought neither Milk or OJ? (1) 10 people bought both Milk and OJ. (2) sorry 不记得了
给了一个图. 一个big circle. 里面有一个smallsquare. 圆的半径是正方形对角线的延伸. 给了半径r = 6, 图上正方形的边长=2
一个xy-plane里面, 给了三个点. 就可以看出来短边a=6, 长边b=8. 和c组成一个直角三角形. C是斜边多少? 很确定是10
N/M = 3/7,which one can be N+3 ??? 选9
Which one isthe least? C 很确定 a. - 13/73 ~= - 0.4 b. – something/something ~= - 0.5 c. - 12/25 ~= - 0.8 d. 13/17 ? ~= - 0.4 again e. 14/16 ?
数列an= 1 - 1/n+1,问前99项的product.The answer is definitely: 1/100
61. 有一个数轴,标有数值,和五个点p,q,r,s,t.如图二,问下列哪个的绝对值最大?(图画的丑点见谅)某些地方不准,但是都不影响理解和做题。 A p+q B r+s C s+t D p+q+r E p+q+r+s+t
-10, -5, 0, 5, 10 变成了 -30, -20, 0, 20, 30.
68. 275n=y的平方, whats the least number y can be? 11
题目不是很清楚,不过275= 5 * 5 * 11
1) the twodigits’ sum is 9.
2) if N getsreversed, the reversed N is 多少多少 less than N.
Georgenormally go to work from the interstate, but 今天要walkto work. North 走了4m, West继续走了多少多少, 再North走. Whichdistance is the shortest? 第一个N点到最后destination的N点连线, 直角三角形的斜边. Easy.
同学们~ 我写了2个钟头的JJ遭到电脑突然black out的袭击全部都没有了~ 我要重新打~ omg
逻辑考了11题. 还考了一个solarradiation & skin cancer 记得特别的清楚因为我最喜欢layout +tanning…
Solar radiation will cause skin cancer. In Britain , people who drive tend tohave a skin damage on the Right side of their face. 因为: they drive on the right in Britain, car windows areon the right too. 所以: 左边的皮肤受到的伤害比右边的少. 问: which one will support?我选的是: people who don’t drive in Britain have good skin on the Rightside. 言下之意: Right side的skindamage是开车+solar造成的.
SORRY 同学们我真的很困了, 我昨天晚上没有睡觉. 今天现在已經11点半了. 我明天把reading重新打出来~ reading机经第一题考了. s的單詞是synapses. (The actual figuresvary greatly, depending on the local neuroanatomy.) The brain's networkof neurons forms a massively parallel information processing system.
還有大家去看一下thomas edison的phonograph cylinder和后来者居上的victor的phonograph的相关资料. 去看wiki的. wiki的背景資料很好. reading真的很easy. 静下心来做就好了. 如果有問題請xiaonei-站内信me at 韓佩藝 Vanessa 因爲我真的不知道怎麽上論壇.