我遇到的GG:(大家看作文和阅读GG时,可以参照自己考试前两三天及当日早场的题,至于是不是,还待验证。) AA:The following appeared in the editorial section of a local newspaper:
“This past winter, 200 students from Waymarsh State College traveled to the state capitol building to protest against proposed cuts in funding for various state college programs. The other 12,000 Waymarsh students evidently weren’t so concerned about their education: they either stayed on campus or left for winter break. Since the group who did not protest is far more numerous, it is more representative of the state’s college students than are the protesters. Therefore the state legislature need not heed the appeals of the protesting students.” AI:All the citizens should take a specified amount of public services. It will benefit not only the whole nation but also the participants.
语法中有一道:推翻某政权以后,某东西还是见证了一群什么人成为政要at the young (age, and they still do)/(age, and are still doing so)/(age, and they still have...).考括号里的。天啊,我怎么就记不起来了呢???