genetic susceptibility toward any particular disease应该是指某人有得病的潜质,如果收到一些外界诱因,就可能导致疾病;但不必然有某种基因就一定得病。所以这种潜质是治病的in part因素。比如某人先天肠胃不好,如果长大之后饮食特别讲究就不会得肠胃病,如果饮食不注意就会得肠胃病。
Within 20 years it will probably be possible to identify the genetic susceptibility an individual may have toward any particular disease. Eventally, effective strategies wil be discovered to counteract each such susceptibility. Once these effective strategies are found, therefore, the people who follow them will never get sick. A) For every disease there is only one strategy that can prevent its occurrence. B) In the future, genetics will be the only medical specialty of any importance. C) All human sicknesses are in part the result of individuals' genetics susceptibilities. D) All human sicknesses are in part the result of individuals' genetic susceptibilities. E) People wil follow medical advice when they are convinced that it is effective. 答案是C 不明白为什么是 in part ? 那位牛人解答一下阿 祝新年快乐 一切顺利 -- by 会员 wsy1018 (2010/2/18 13:02:29)