A bank account earned 2% annual interest, compounded daily for as long as the balance was under $1,000, starting when the account was opened. Once the balance reached $1, 000,the account earned 2.5% annual interest, compounded daily until the account was closed. No deposits or withdrawals were made. Was the total amount of interest earned at the 2% rate greater than the total amount earned at the 2.5% rate? (1)The account earned exactly $25 in interest at the 2.5% rate. (2)The account was open for exactly three years.
这题我有题意理解的问题: 假设存入的本金是a,存了n天,当存款小于1000的时候 a*(1+2%/365)^n 是本金+利息,题干中说Once the balance reached $1, 000,存的这个钱是怎么保证正好到1000的,假如最后一天结算完后是1001呢?所以这样的话就影响计算2.5%的部分了。
我看解析的意思都是说2%存到正好1000,然后按2.5%计算,这样1+2确实可以比出大小。 顺便再问一下,闰年对这道题目有影响吗?