Question﹕ 1。Need I prepare for the words? 2.How can I start? Need I start from OG? or 新東方光盤﹖or NEED I get some books from 國內﹖ or 真題﹖or LSAT? 3。I see some books from BARRON,doesn that help? and books from princeton view?
How can I make a basic plan?I can spend 3 hours a day or more on studying. 偶英語基礎還可以。 但是當年考G只花了一個月多準備﹐雖然過了基本錄取線﹐ 但希望GMAT 能好一點﹐有助申請fulltme or part-time好點點加州學校。 多謝各位相助﹐望我們能一起好好努力﹐攻破GMAT和MBA大門﹗
1) Don't trust math part in OG. The real test is much tougher 2) XDF's book includes RC, CR, SC and Math, and the CD. 3) OG 10th edition should be better.
I plan to do the 9th and 10th both of them. and I will ask people to buy the XFD books. I will start OG verbal (9th first then 10th? don't know if some duplicate) right now while waiting for books,
and after the first round of OG,do some sLat for some feelings. then XDF books. XDF zhenTi.
. . .
First round target->680.Time, Now-June. 2 month. Then use Lsat,kaplan,princeton view,etc to get higher.
kaplan high score and kaplan CAT is two diffrent books,right? Need to make a better plan,hehe.
yeah,I am trying to go into a good schedule and plan. Yesterday I works late, but "Still" do 20 OG 逻辑 I got 20/20.hehe,today will do a section of math and 20 逻辑 and 20 语法,se see how it is going.
I know I need to work harder, but work and study ...... sometimes have deadlines in work and I am trying to get into the status.