3. Citizen of Mooresville: Mooresville’s current city council is having a ruinous effect on municipal finances. Since a majority of the incumbents 在职者are running for reelection, I am going to campaign against all these incumbents in the upcoming city council election. The only incumbent I will support and vote for is the one who represents my own neighborhood, because she has the experience necessary to ensure that our neighborhoods interests are served. If everyone in Mooresville would follow my example, we could substantially change the council’s membership.
Assuming that each citizen of Mooresville is allowed to vote only for a city council representative from his or her own neighborhood, for the council’s membership to be changed substantially, it must be true that
(A) at least some other voters in Mooresville do not make the same exception for their own incumbent in the upcoming election (B) most of the eligible voters in Mooresville vote in the upcoming election (C) few of the incumbents on the Mooresville city council have run for reelection in previous elections (D) all of the seats on the Mooresville city council are filled by incumbents whose terms are expiring (E) none of the challengers in the upcoming election for seats on Mooresville’s city council are better able to serve the interests of their neighborhoods than were the incumbents
答案选A,哪位NN能帮忙翻译一下A的意思?谢谢了 是不是说原文作者说选自己neighbor的incumberment是一个exception?然后要想大范围的city council换人,必须有人不合作者一样,还选自己那个区的代表?可是A说的是some 啊,some不能推出substantial的结果啊~
[此贴子已经被作者于2009/9/8 11:08:34编辑过] |