33.During a single hour, an automatic camera photographed 100 vehicles that were speeding on a one-way road, and poloce a mile farther down the road photographed 49 vehicles that were speeding. SInce every vehicle that pssed the aytomatic camera also passed the police during the hour, the police photographed fewer than half og the vehicles that were speeding when passing them. Which of the following is an assumprion on which the reasonging in the argument above depends? C Most of the vehicles that were speeding when they passed the automatic camera were still speeding when they passed the police. 小弟刚学逻辑不久,特来请教各位这个题目,答案是C。。但是我总不理解为什么要选C。题目里明明说的是相机照到的超速的100 警察照的是是49辆,然后通过相机的车 也经过了警察。。然后C里说大部分在相机面前超速的车在通过警察时仍然超速。。这个假设怎么能说明警察照的少呢?按照这个说法应该警察照的也跟相机照的超速的一样多呀。 疑惑了很久特来请教大家。。是不是我的理解方面出现问题呢? |