试着解释下,还是一来吧。 1.看问题: inferred, must be true的题,我觉得是最讨厌的题。这里要先clear一下概念,这类题的答案都可以是,在现实世界中,真的,但只有跟题目内容有关的才是对的。 2.看题干: Sales tax是递减的(这个生词,若是哈,没事,后面都能推出意思,不影响解题)对穷人不利。题目举例:当税是固定的,穷人反而要付出Larger % of their income(这也好理解,一个挣100,一个10000,买10块钱付1块税,那对穷人来说1%就给税了,对于富人才是万分之一)。 3.看选项: (A) Poor people constitute a larger proportion of the taxpaying population than wealthy people do. 可对可错,但题目没有任何关于人口数量的信息,无关。 (B) Poor people spend a larger proportion of their income on purchases of consumer goods than wealthy people do. 这个就是对的啦,虽然是看了第2遍才反应过来。B就是把我在括号里的意思从另一个角度又说了一遍。只有这个答案是完全stick to原文的描述的。 (C) Wealthy people pay, on average, a larger amount of sales taxes than poor people do. 可对可错,若是正确的,题目中应该有“富人,on average,花钱比穷人多,但原文中没有此类信息,所以无关 (D) The total amount spent by all poor people on purchases of consumer goods exceeds the total amount spent by all wealthy people on consumer goods. 跟前面差不多,可对可错,但题目压根儿没有total amount的概念 (E) The average purchase price of consumer goods bought by wealthy people is higher than that of consumer goods bought by poor people. 这个我叫它“吸引人的”迷惑选项,但也是一样,题目没有相关内容,易错选项。