百思不得其解,做他的书做到要吐血了。 Recent estimates predict that between 1982 and 1995 the greatest increase in the number of people employed will be in teh categorty of low-paying service occupations. This category, however, will not increase its share of total employment,whereas the category of high-paying service occupations will increase its share. If the estimates aboove are accurate, which of the following conclusions can be drawn? A, In 1982 more people were working in low-paying service occupations than were working in high-paying service occupations. B.In 1995 more people will be working in high-paying service occupations than will be working in low-paying service occupations. C.Nonservice occupations will account for the same share of total employment in 1995 as in 1982 D.Many of the people who were working in low-paying service occupations in 1982 will be working in high-paying service occupations by 1995 E.The rate of growth for low-paying service occupations will be greater than the overall reate of employment growth between 1982 and 1995 The answer is A.Why?说得是用数学归纳法做,也没有明说, 不知道怎么个玩法。
For a local government to outlaw all strikes by its workers is a costly mistake,Because all its labor disputes must then be settled by binding arbitration, without any negotiated public sector labor settlements guiding the arbitrators. Str4ikes should be outlawed only for categories of public-sector workers for whose serices no acceptable substitute exists. The statements above best support which of the following conclusions? A.Where public-service workers are permitted to strike, contract negotiations with those workers are typically settled without a strike. B.Where strikes by all categories of public-sector workers are outlawed, no acceptable substitutes for the services provided by any of those workers are available. C.Binding arbitration tends to be more advantageous for public-sector workers where it is the only available means of settlinglabor disputes with such workers. D.Most categories of public-sector workers have no counterparts in the private sector. E.A strike by workers in a local government is unlikely to be settled without help from and arbitrator. The answer is C. Why? 只给了两个单词的解释, 觉得这道题异常莫名其妙,疯了。