以下是引用globalmarket在2009-2-18 22:32:00的发言:我个人是更偏向选择2,因为我是希望继续深造,这样以后能有一个更高的起点。而如果去分行,发展如何就很难说了。虽然申请的话得拖1年,但我认为不趁这个机会好好努力以后就没有机会了。
Life is given to us but once. So, just do something meaningful in life. Don't give yourself a chance of feeling torturing regrets. Since u r still young, why not try something crazy? If u won't regret the choice u make today, put aside all the worries and stick to your life goal.
但是,父母还有周围的一致认为应该选择1,他们认为在目前的经济形势下有一份在北京的工作已经很好了。并且都强调工作经验和基层锻炼的重要性。他们总是说“读书只是工具,以后机会很多。” 同时,还有很多人说,现在形势不同,即便海归PHD也不像以前那样吃香。并且如果读PHD回来后会缺少国内的networking。
A high degree earned from a prestigious business school may help a lot in the early stage of one's career, esp when u target Mckinsey or GS, but won't always do, for only performance counts.
Yep, hv to tell u it is the truth. life is changing every day. Now u dream of a position in GS and Morgan Stanley, but years later u may find u r fond of commercial banking much more.
If u r sure u will pursue an IB career for life, just do it. If not sure, hv a talk with your alumni in investment banks. it is not difficult for you. If I guess right, u r a undergraduate in 中国人民大学。
I'd like to reiterate that only performance counts. There is no doubt a systematic training in top univ will help u better prepared for practical work. But you'd best weigh the benefit against the cost.
To sum up, If I were u. I will stick to my dream, as I ever did 5 year ago.
But I hv to tell my life is changed totally by reason of my gambling on life, and now I suffer a lot. Anyhow, I never regret my choice a bit.
Finally, I wish u all success in life.