逛CD很久了,今天第一次发帖呵呵。 今天做到陈向东那本黄皮书的冲刺训练11,打击颇大,前几天刚建立起来的信心瞬间瓦解,前面做的还算好,百分之八十多的正确率吧,可是从第十套开始,越做越错。。11套经错了8个!!!!!真的是欲哭无泪啊。。。哪位牛牛能告诉我到底是怎么回事啊!!?? 伤心事先不提,先贴出其中两题来,真的是百思不得其解: 2、A study of adults who suffer from migraine headaches revealed that a significant proportion of the study participants suffer from a complex syndrome characterized by a set of 3 symptoms.Those who suffer from the syndrome experienced excessive anxiety during early childhood.as adolescents,the people approached the age of 20,thy also began to experience recurring bouts of depression.Since this pattern is invariant,always with excessive anxiety at its beginning,it follows that excessive anxiety in childhood is one of the causes of migraine headache and depression in later life. The reasoning in the argument is vulnerable to criticism on which of the following grounds: B.It fails to rule out the possibility that (not)all of the characteristic symptoms of the syndrome have a commom cause. D.It fails to demonstrate that the people who participated in the study are representative of migraine sufferers. 答案选B,但我觉得B根本就是说反了,如果 加上那个红色的not才对吧。我反而觉得D对,D说被研究着不具代表性,而文中正是只说了“被研究着中有很大比例”(a significant proportion of the study )。。。我的理解哪里错了啊?? 还有第三题,A选项根本就是无关选项啊。。。。 今天刚报了7月16号的上海场,这样下去我怎么能考好啊!!!!!! |