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[求助]a weaken problem

发表于 2009-4-11 15:11:00 | 只看该作者

[求助]a weaken problem

A worldwide ban on the production of certain ozone-destroying chemicals would provide only an illusion of protection.Quantities of such chemicals.already produced, exist as coolants in millions of refrigerators.When they reach the ozone layer in the atmosphere, their action cannot be halted. So there is no way to prevent these chemicals from damaging the ozone layer further.

Which of the following, if ture, most seriously weakens the argument above?

(A)I is impossible to measure with accuracy the quantity of ozone-destroying chemicals that exist as coolants in refrigerators.

(B)In modern societies, refrigeration of food is necessary to prevent ungealthy and potentially life-threatening conditions.

(C)Replacement chemicals that will not destroy ozone have not yet been developed and woul be more expensive than the chemicls now used as coolants in refrigerators.

(D)Even if people should gie up the use of refrigeration, the coolants already in existing refrigerators are a threat to atmospheric ozone.

(E)The coolants in refrigerators can be fully recovered at the end of the useful life of the refrigerators and reused.


发表于 2009-4-11 16:13:00 | 只看该作者

A worldwide ban on the production of certain ozone-destroying chemicals would provide only an illusion of protection.Quantities of such chemicals.already produced, exist as coolants in millions of refrigerators.When they reach the ozone layer in the atmosphere, their action cannot be halted. So there is no way to prevent these chemicals from damaging the ozone layer further.




(A)I is impossible to measure with accuracy the quantity of ozone-destroying chemicals that exist as coolants in refrigerators.跟正确度无关

(B)In modern societies, refrigeration of food is necessary to prevent ungealthy and potentially life-threatening conditions.跟食物对人体的安全也无关。

(C)Replacement chemicals that will not destroy ozone have not yet been developed and woul be more expensive than the chemicls now used as coolants in refrigerators.有化学物质,但是是谈到费用问题,所以无关。

(D)Even if people should give up the use of refrigeration, the coolants already in existing refrigerators are a threat to atmospheric ozone.C,但是仔细读句子。加强,承认这个确实对大气层造成不好的影响。

(E)The coolants in refrigerators can be fully recovered at the end of the useful life of the refrigerators and reused.确实可以被控制,RECOVER,不会继续产生新的量,另外可以被REUSE在升到空中之前。所以对生产大量冰箱会导致对大气层污染的推理就不存在了。所以答案选E

 楼主| 发表于 2009-4-12 01:14:00 | 只看该作者
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