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发表于 2011-11-5 17:47:47 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

82. Excavation of the ancient city of Kourion on the island of Cyprus revealed a pattern of debris and collapsed buildings typical of towns devastated by earthquakes. Archaeologists have hypothesized that the destruction was due to a major earthquake known to have occurred near the island in A.D.365.
Which of the following, if true, most strongly supports the archaeologists’ hypothesis?
(A) Bronze ceremonial drinking vessels that are often found in graves dating from years preceding and following A.D.365 were also found in several graves near Kourion.
(B) No coins minted after A.D.365 were found in Kourion, but coins minted before that year were found in abundance.
(C) Most modern histories of Cyprus mention that an earthquake occurred near the island in A.D.365.
(D) Several small statues carved in styles current in Cyprus in the century between A.D.300 and 400 were found in Kourion.
(E) Stone inscriptions in a form of the Greek alphabet that was definitely used in Cyprus after A.D.365 were found in Kourion.

83. Sales of telephones have increased dramatically over the last year. In order to take advantage of this increase, Mammoth Industries plans to expand production of its own model of telephone, while continuing its already very extensive advertising of this product.
Which of the following, if true, provides most support for the view that Mammoth Industries cannot increase its sales of telephones by adopting the plan outlined above?
(A) Although it sells all of the telephones that it produces, Mammoth Industries’ share of all telephone sales has declined over the last year.
(B) Mammoth Industries’ average inventory of telephones awaiting shipment to retailers has declined slightly over the last year.
(C) Advertising has made the brand name of Mammoth Industries’ telephones widely known, but few consumers know that Mammoth Industries owns this brand.
(D) Mammoth Industries’ telephone is one of three brands of telephone that have together accounted for the bulk of the last year’s increase in sales.
(E) Despite a slight decline in the retail price, sales of Mammoth Industries’ telephones have fallen in the last year.

84. Many institutions of higher education suffer declining enrollments during periods of economic slowdown. At two-year community colleges, however, enrollment figures boom during these periods when many people have less money and there is more competition for jobs.
Each of the following, if true, helps to explain the enrollment increases in two-year community colleges described above EXCEPT:
(A) During periods of economic slowdown, two-year community colleges are more likely than four-year colleges to prepare their students for the jobs that are still available.
(B) During periods of economic prosperity, graduates of two-year community colleges often continue their studies at four-year colleges.
(C) Tuition at most two-year community colleges is a fraction of that at four-year colleges.
(D) Two-year community colleges devote more resources than do other colleges to attracting those students especially affected by economic slowdowns.
(E) Students at two-year community colleges, but not those at most four-year colleges, can control the cost of their studies by choosing the number of courses they take each term.

Question 85-86 are based on the following.
Hardin argued that grazing land held in common (that is, open to any user) would always be used less carefully than private grazing land. Each rancher would be tempted to overuse common land because the benefits would accrue to the individual, while the costs of reduced land quality that results from overuse would be spread among all users. But a study comparing 217 million acres of common grazing land with 433 million acres of private grazing land showed that the common land was in better condition.

85. The answer to which of the following questions would be most useful in evaluating the significance, in relation to Hardin’s claim, of the study described above?
(A) Did any of the ranchers whose land was studied use both common and private land?
(B) Did the ranchers whose land was studied tend to prefer using common land over using private land for grazing?
(C) Was the private land that was studied of comparable quality to the common land before either was used for grazing?
(D) Were the users of the common land that was studied at least as prosperous as the users of the private land?
(E) Were there any owners of herds who used only common land, and no private land, for grazing?

86. Which of the following, if true and known by the ranchers, would best help explain the results of the study?
(A) With private grazing land, both the costs and the benefits of overuse fall to the individual user.
(B) The cost in reduced land quality that is attributable to any individual user is less easily measured with common land than it is with private land.
(C) An individual who overuses common grazing land might be able to achieve higher returns than other users can, with the result that he or she would obtain a competitive advantage.
(D) If one user of common land overuses it even slightly, the other users are likely to do so even more, with the consequence that the costs to each user outweigh the benefits.
(E)There are more acres of grazing land held privately than there are held in common.
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 楼主| 发表于 2011-11-5 17:48:00 | 只看该作者
The archaeologists hypothesized that Kourion was devastated by an earthquake known to have occurred in A. D.
365. Since choice B provides evidence that A.D. 365 was the date when life in Kourion was disrupted, B
supports the hypothesis that it was the A. D. 365 earthquake that devastated Kourion. Thus, B is the best
By contrast, choices A, D, and E all give information about artifacts found in or used in Kourion, but they do not
specifically point to A. D. 365 as the date of the devastation. Thus, A, D, and E are inappropriate. Since choice C
supports something already established, namely, that an earthquake occurred in A. D. 365, C is inappropriate.

Choice E indicates that Mammoth’s telephones already fail to participate in the industry trend of higher sales
despite heavy advertising. Producing more of the same model would thus be unlikely to generate increased
sales for Mammoth, so E is the best answer.
If Mammoth has sold all the telephones it produced, it might increase sales by producing more, even if it has lost
market share, as choice A states. Choice D indicates that Mammoth’s sales are increasing, and similarly for B if
the decrease in inventory results from retailers taking delivery of more telephones. So long as consumers
recognize the brand name of Mammoth’s telephones, as choice C states, it probably does not matter whether
they associate it with Mammoth.

Four of the choices give reasons why, in an economic showdown, many people would choose a two-year college.
Choice A indicates that a two-year college education gives one a better chance of finding a job when economic
conditions are poor. Choice C and E indicate why people with less money might prefer two-year colleges. Finally,
choice D suggests that more is being done to attract people whose lives are affected by the slowdown to
two-year than to four-year colleges.
Choice B, the best answer, might explain the decreased enrollment at four-year colleges during the slowdown,
but because it deals with graduates of two-year colleges it cannot explain why enrollment at these colleges
might increase.

Hardin’s claim is that common grazing land deteriorates more quickly than private grazing land because of
overuse. The study indicates that common grazing land is currently in better shape, but this would not
undermine Hardin’s claim if common grazing land was in far better shape before grazing began. Thus, choice C
is the best answer.
Choices A and E are inappropriate since the study can undermine Hardin’s Claim whether or not some ranchers
use both sorts of land, or use only common land. Similarly, the study can undermine Hardin’s claim whether or
not ranchers prefer to use common land, as B says. Finally, D is inappropriate since the force of the study is not
diminished if users of common land are more or less prosperous.

The study indicates that common lands are in better shape than private lands. The best answer, D, indicates that,
contrary to Hardin’s claim, it is in each rancher’s self-interest not to overuse common land, which would explain
why common lands are in relatively good shape.
Choices A and C can only explain why private land is in better shape than common land, not the reverse. Neither
the fact that it is more difficult to attribute deterioration of common land to any particular user (choice B) nor the
fact that the relative amounts of common and private land differ (choice E) gives a reason for farmers not to
graze their herds on common land as much as possible.
发表于 2011-11-6 02:45:28 | 只看该作者
发表于 2011-11-6 14:30:26 | 只看该作者
P:the excation of city K demonstrated that the city was devastated by earthquakes
C:argitech Archaeologists have hypothesized that all these were destoried by the earthquack happend in A.D.365.

2 support     but attention please: cannot!
P: th sales of T increased
C:  in order to the the advatage of this increase, M want to produce more T of their own mold and advertising of this product, although, the advertise is very extensive.
G: 大家不喜欢他们的mold。。。
发表于 2011-11-6 15:54:28 | 只看该作者
P: Archaeologists find a pattern of debris and collapsed buildings typical of towns devastated by earthquakes
C: Archaeologists have hypothesized that the destruction was due to a major earthquake
Pph:要使结论成立,必须要证明destruction 的时间和地址的造成碎片的地震的时间是一样的。

P: Sales of telephones have increased dramatically over the last year.
C: Mammoth Industries plans to expand production of its own model of telephone, while continuing its already very extensive advertising of this product.

P: Many institutions of higher education suffer declining enrollments
C: At two-year community colleges, enrollment figures boom.

P: grazing land held in common (that is, open to any user) would always be used less carefully than private grazing land. But a study comparing common grazing land with private grazing land showed that the common land was in better condition

Pph:答案必须既能解释common land was in better condition,又能和the costs of reduced land quality that results from overuse would be spread among all users兼容
发表于 2011-11-6 15:54:49 | 只看该作者
发表于 2011-11-6 20:05:10 | 只看该作者
发表于 2011-11-6 20:45:33 | 只看该作者
P:Excavation revealed  a pattern debris and buildings destroyed by a earthquake.
C: the earthquake is occurred at AD.365
support: Only in the year AD.365 has this pattern.
(A) Bronze ceremonial drinking vessels that are often found in graves dating from years preceding and following A.D.365 were also found in several graves near Kourion.【weaken】
(B) No coins minted after A.D.365 were found in Kourion, but coins minted before that year were found in abundance.【R】
(C) Most modern histories of Cyprus mention that an earthquake occurred near the island in A.D.365.【主观态度不可靠】
(D) Several small statues carved in styles current in Cyprus in the century between A.D.300 and 400 were found in Kourion.【无关时间】
(E) Stone inscriptions in a form of the Greek alphabet that was definitely used in Cyprus after A.D.365 were found in Kourion.【无关时间】

P:The sale of the cellphone is increasing-->C: Company is planning continue its production of the model of the cellphone and ads.
weaken the plan:the sale of the model of the cellphone is decreasing.
(A) Although it sells all of the telephones that it produces, Mammoth Industries’ share of all telephone sales has declined over the last year.【既会support也会weaken】
(B) Mammoth Industries’ average inventory of telephones awaiting shipment to retailers has declined slightly over the last year.【小范围不能代表大范围】
(C) Advertising has made the brand name of Mammoth Industries’ telephones widely known, but few consumers know that Mammoth Industries owns this brand.【无关对象】
(D) Mammoth Industries’ telephone is one of three brands of telephone that have together accounted for the bulk of the last year’s increase in sales.【support】
(E) Despite a slight decline in the retail price, sales of Mammoth Industries’ telephones have fallen in the last year.【R】

P:The enrollment of many Education is decreasing during the recession.
C: the enrollment of the two years community college is increasing.
explain: the community is cheaper and better for people to get job.
Except A:
(A) During periods of economic slowdown, two-year community colleges are more likely than four-year colleges to prepare their students for the jobs that are still available.
(B) During periods of economic prosperity, graduates of two-year community colleges often continue their studies at four-year colleges.【R】【无法解释入学人数的差距】
(C) Tuition at most two-year community colleges is a fraction of that at four-year colleges.
(D) Two-year community colleges devote more resources than do other colleges to attracting those students especially affected by economic slowdowns.
(E) Students at two-year community colleges, but not those at most four-year colleges, can control the cost of their studies by choosing the number of courses they take each term.

P:H argue that private land is in better condition than the common land--> the benefit of the private land is belong to the owner while the lose of the common land is belong to everyone
C: the research show that the common land is in better condition.
Evaluate: whether the two lands are in the same condition before use.

(A) Did any of the ranchers whose land was studied use both common and private land?【无关对象】
(B) Did the ranchers whose land was studied tend to prefer using common land over using private land for grazing?【文章已解释】
(C) Was the private land that was studied of comparable quality to the common land before either was used for grazing?【R】
(D) Were the users of the common land that was studied at least as prosperous as the users of the private land?
(E) Were there any owners of herds who used only common land, and no private land, for grazing?【无关对象】

86.explain:because realize people will destory the common land more sever, government take measures to protect the common land.
A) With private grazing land, both the costs and the benefits of overuse fall to the individual user.【文中已解释】
(B) The cost in reduced land quality that is attributable to any individual user is less easily measured with common land than it is with private land.【文中已解释】
(C) An individual who overuses common grazing land might be able to achieve higher returns than other users can, with the result that he or she would obtain a competitive advantage.【加深矛盾】
(D) If one user of common land overuses it even slightly, the other users are likely to do so even more, with the consequence that the costs to each user outweigh the benefits.【R】
(E)There are more acres of grazing land held privately than there are held in common.【无关比较】
发表于 2011-11-7 00:07:32 | 只看该作者
发表于 2011-11-7 01:29:18 | 只看该作者
P: The pattern of Ancient city K has revealed that the debris of an earthquake.
C: The destruction of K was due to the earthquake in A.D. 365.
S: Something can be found before the earthquake in K, while it cannot be found after earthquake in city K.
A: B
(A) Bronze ceremonial drinking vessels that are often found in graves dating from years preceding and following A.D.365 were also found in several graves near Kourion.
-->This doesn't reveal that the earthquake is the reason to destroy K.
(B) No coins minted after A.D.365 were found in Kourion, but coins minted before that year were found in abundance.
--> Bingo!
(C) Most modern histories of Cyprus mention that an earthquake occurred near the island in A.D.365.
--> The earthquake occurred near the island is irrelevant here.
(D) Several small statues carved in styles current in Cyprus in the century between A.D.300 and 400 were found in Kourion.
--> Time period is not correct.
(E) Stone inscriptions in a form of the Greek alphabet that was definitely used in Cyprus after A.D.365 were found in Kourion.
--> Stone inscriptions can be found before and after AD365 doesn't affect the conclusion.

P: The phone sales has been good last year.
C: The M industry is planning to extend its already existing sales by increasing its production.
W: other reasons can be brought in to reduce the revenue to make the plan's failure.
A: E
(A) Although it sells all of the telephones that it produces, Mammoth Industries’ share of all telephone sales has declined over the last year.
--> shares declined doesn't necessarily mean the revenue declined.
(B) Mammoth Industries’ average inventory of telephones awaiting shipment to retailers has declined slightly over the last year.
--> shipment has declined is irrelevant.
(C) Advertising has made the brand name of Mammoth Industries’ telephones widely known, but few consumers know that Mammoth Industries owns this brand.
--> the brand of this phone is not a issue, the customers can still buy it without knowing the brand.
(D) Mammoth Industries’ telephone is one of three brands of telephone that have together accounted for the bulk of the last year’s increase in sales.
--> one of three brands can still make the revenue.
(E) Despite a slight decline in the retail price, sales of Mammoth Industries’ telephones have fallen in the last year.
--> if its own products have failed, then they won't make any revenue.

P: The institution's enrollment has declined.
C: However, at two year community college, the enrollment has boomed when there's fewer job and more competitions.
R: The market needs more technical people who attended 2 year college so the employers don't need to pay that much.
A: A
(A) During periods of economic slowdown, two-year community colleges are more likely than four-year colleges to prepare their students for the jobs that are still available.
--> Contender!
(B) During periods of economic prosperity, graduates of two-year community colleges often continue their studies at four-year colleges.
--> this doesn't affect or even weaken the conclusion.
(C) Tuition at most two-year community colleges is a fraction of that at four-year colleges.
--> this cannot explain how the enrollment increased regarding the competition and fewer jobs.
(D) Two-year community colleges devote more resources than do other colleges to attracting those students especially affected by economic slowdowns.
--> resources is irrelevant here.
(E) Students at two-year community colleges, but not those at most four-year colleges, can control the cost of their studies by choosing the number of courses they take each term.
--> the cost is not out of scope here.

P: The land which is open to anyone is used less carefully by the farmers.
C: However, the study shows that the farmers keep the quality of public land better than the private ones.
E: Whether the qualities of ranchers' private land and common land are the same originally?
A: C
(A) Did any of the ranchers whose land was studied use both common and private land?
--> not sufficient.
(B) Did the ranchers whose land was studied tend to prefer using common land over using private land for grazing?
--> Not hurt the argument.
(C) Was the private land that was studied of comparable quality to the common land before either was used for grazing?
--> yeah!
(D) Were the users of the common land that was studied at least as prosperous as the users of the private land?
--> still, it cannot explain if the study is effective or not.
(E) Were there any owners of herds who used only common land, and no private land, for grazing?
--> not hurt the argument.

(A) With private grazing land, both the costs and the benefits of overuse fall to the individual user.
-->private land cannot explain the use the common land.
(B) The cost in reduced land quality that is attributable to any individual user is less easily measured with common land than it is with private land.
-->this doesn't hurt.
(C) An individual who overuses common grazing land might be able to achieve higher returns than other users can, with the result that he or she would obtain a competitive advantage.
-->this is the reversed answer.
(D) If one user of common land overuses it even slightly, the other users are likely to do so even more, with the consequence that the costs to each user outweigh the benefits.
(E)There are more acres of grazing land held privately than there are held in common.
--> irrelevant.
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