In the course of her researches, a historian recently found two documents mentioning the same person, Erich Schnitzler. One, dated May 3, 1739, is a record of Schnitzler's arrest for peddling without a license. The second, undated, is a statement by Schnitzler asserting that he has been peddling off and on for 20 years. The facts above support which of the following conclusion? A. Schnizler started peddling around 1719 B. Schnizler was arrested repeatedly for peddling C.The undated document was written before 1765 D. The arrest record was written after the undated document E. The arrest record provides better evidence that Schnizler peddled than does the undated document 答案是C,但是我想不明白1765是怎么出来的。我的思路是,1739年有这个坐牢的事实,但是从事pedding的行为可能是1739年前20年,或者后20年,但包括1739年,那么这个范围应该是1719年到1759年,所以我选择D,相当于取了其中一个子集。但是答案说是C,那么我承认是1759年前,但是不明白1759年到1765年间为什么是正确的。 |