上午考完,成绩还可以,在职准备了2,3个月,从CD里面获益良多。准备开始申请了 下午还在上班ing,呵呵,想起几个jj,实在想不出太多了。 数学: 1) r, s are integers. is r/s a terminating decimal? a) s/r is a terminating decimal b) s only has factors 2 and 5. 选 B CR 遇到2个JJ 1) It is considered as a waste of money to buy bottled water, because, tap water has no less health issue than bottled water. 问加强 我选的是, buying bottled water is considered as a waste of money, if bottled water is no more healthy than tap water 大概是这样。。 RC 好像4篇全是JJ, 帮助我快速的理解了文章 AWA 建议大家背好魔板,最后2分钟检查打字错误(我检查了,确实很多打字错误)多写。 感谢所有CDer, 最后一点感想:现在这个社会竞争激烈, 希望大家能够珍惜时间,较早的确定事业方向。
[此贴子已经被作者于2009-1-20 17:13:25编辑过] |