OG 11th 第76题Roland : The alarming fact is that 90 percent of the people in this country now report that they know some who is unemployed. Sharon : But a normal moderate lever of unemployment is 5 percentm,with one out of 20 workers unemployed.So at any given time if a person knows approximately 50 workers,one or more will very likely be umeployed 76.Sharon's argument is structured to lead to which of the following as a conclusion? A. The fact that 90 percent of the people know someone who is uneployment is not an idication that unployment is abnormally high. B. The current level of unemployment is not moderate C If at least 5 percent of workers are unemployment,the result of questioning a representative group of people can not be the percentage Roland cities. D.It is unlikely that the people whose statements Roland cities are giveing accurate reports. E.If an unemployment figure is given as a certain percentage,the actual percentage of those without jobs is even higher. Sharon给出一个解释,正常中等失业率为5%:也就是说每20人中就有一个失业.假设一个人认识大约50人,那么这50人中就有至少一个人失业。 欧被题目中的数字搞晕了,不知道这认识的50人中有人失业者,和90%人知道有人失业,有什么关系。如何理解呢? 晕呼呼的 77.Sharon's argument relies on the assumption that_______ B:unemployment is not normally concentrqted in geographically isolqted segments of the population 不理解这个假设 谢谢指点! |