138. Sharon's argument is structured to lead to which of the following as a conclusion?
(A) The fact that 90% of the people know someone who is unemployed is not an indication that unemployment is abnormally high. (B) The current level of unemployment is not moderate. (C) If at least 5% of workers are unemployed, the result of questioning a representative group of people cannot be the percentage Roland cites. (D) It is unlikely that the people whose statements Roland cites are giving accurate reports. (E) If an unemployment figure is given as a certain percent, the actual percentage of those without jobs is even higher.
138. Sharon’s argument is essentially that, even if the facts are as Roland presents them, they are not in and of themselves a cause for alarm. Even circumstances reassuringly normal and unremarkable-a normal, moderate unemployment rate and having 50 or more workers among one’s acquaintances-imply the sort of fact Roland cites. Thus, that fact does not indicate that things are not normal (for example, that unemployment is alarmingly high). Choice A, therefore, is the best answer.
Sharon’s argument focuses exclusively on whether Roland’s alarm is logically warranted, given the fact he cites. Sharon herself takes no position whatsoever on what the actual facts concerning unemployment statistics and concerning people’s self-reports are. Because choices B, C, D, and E are assertions about such matters, each is incorrect. 我帮你把题贴完整: Roland:一个令人担忧的事实是这个国家中90%的人都说他们知道某人失业了。 Sharon:正常的失业率是5%,二十分之一,所以在任何时期,如果一个人认识50个工人左右,这50个人中就很有可能有1个或几个人失业。 问由Sharon的argument可以推出的结论。 答案是(A) 90%的人都说他们知道某人失业了这个事实不能反映出失业率反常的高。 (因为sharon已经解释了,即使Roland说的是事实,由正常失业率为5%(1/20)和如果1个人认识50个工人这两个条件,就可以推出Roland所举的例子:90%的人都说他们知道某人失业了,所以并不是失业率反常的标志。)(B) (C) (D) (E) 不对是因为Sharon并没有就真正的失业情况或人们所说的是不是真实的发表任何立场的评论,所以不能作为结论。 |