我觉得它的前提是 在雇佣了一个copywriter和一个graphic artist后,设计了这样的一个CATALOG,才导致appeal to the upscale clientele. 所以给HOUSEWARE设计这个CATALOG,那么受欢迎的前提就是要有一个COPYWRITER和一个GRAPHIC ARTIST设计这个FORMAT,才可能使UPSCALE CLIENTEL喜欢。是顺着前提给的逻辑思维来走的。 (A) other housewares catalogs with magazinelike formats do not already exist--其他的杂志和他这个计划成功与否无关。 (B) an upscale clientele would be interested in a housewares catalog--这个只是把结论重复了一遍,无意义。 (C) the same copywriter and graphic artist could be employed for both the clothing and housewares catalogs--无关,无论他们被聘用多少家都跟这个HOUSEWARE CATALOG的册子的推出成功与否无关。 (D) a magazinelike format requires a copywriter and a graphic artist--就是文中给的前提的推理过程。。。注意after....then appeal to.... (E) customers to whom the old clothing catalog appealed would continue to make purchases from catalogs with the new format--无关 |