狒狒逻辑笔记有人提供了一个答案,但其中有一题有人有疑问。我今天做到了这题,想问问大家的意思,我还是一个初学者,说的不明白之处请大家见谅。题目如下: Most television viewers estimate how frequently a particular type of accident or crime occurs by how extensively it is discussed on television news shows. Television news shows report more on stories that include dramatic pictures such as fires and motor vehicle accidents than they do on more common stories that have little visual drama such as bookkeeping fraud. If the statements above are true, it can be properly concluded that which of the following is also true? (A) The time television news reporters spend researching news stories is directly related to the number of viewers who will be affected by events like those in the news stories. (B) It is easier for crimes such as bookkeeping fraud to go unprosecuted than it is crimes such as arson. (C) The number of fires and motor vehicle accidents greatly increases after each television news show that includes dramatic pictures of a fire or motor vehicle accident. (D) Viewers of television news show tend to overestimate the number of fires and motor vehicle accidents that occur relative to the number of crimes of bookkeeping fraud. (E) The usual selection of news stories for television news show is determined by the number of news reporters available for assignment
提供的答案是C,有人提出是D。我开始觉得是C,但后来觉得D好像也有道理,我能不能这样来理解呢:题目中说观众是根据事故和犯罪在电视中讨论的次数来估计其发生的频率的,电视报道事故要比犯罪多,那既然观众看得事故的新闻多,那事故就是增加了,这是从观众角度想的,选C; 而D,我这么理解,因为是电台特意多放了事故,导致观众认为事故增加,其实事故的没有增加,是观众被误导了,选D. 最后我认为,直接根据原题,都推导到了观众认为事故增加这步,但后一步也就是D(观众被误认为事故增加)能不能被推导我就不知道了。 请教大家! |