very impressive numbers. I feel that Prep quite accurate reflects your scoring ability, esp when questions are all new to the taker. My last prep result was same as final result. your Verbal is far above average CDer, while math is below, partly explained by "高中本科在美国读的". just paste some 心得 i wrote before, pls bear with my laziness. hope you find it helpful. 数学, 多看看nn的心得,我现在还记得一个nn的“概念”+ “思路”+“仔细”,实在是太精僻了;另外,还有一位mm的心得是, 仔细仔细再仔细, 复算1-2遍,嗯,我还真的就在考试中通过复算和在看题目,修正了2题。数学的题目,对于常见题型的思路,务必确保一定掌握,如果没有,就要多做练习和分析了。说实话,真的就是中学水平 in China). In your case, 常见题型的思路,务必确保一定掌握 is apparently important, + 仔细 (esp, how to handle 2nd condition in DS Qs, can find from nn's posts). 关于Pace,我觉得很重要. 理论上,只要没有时间限制,99%的阅读和逻辑我们都可以做对,90%以上的sc 我也可以做对。但是,这是不可能的。我的理解Pace 就是一个帮助你均衡时间,均衡做题速度和正确率的一个东东。对大部分人来说,如果无法一刀致命快速肯定正确答案,如何balance 速度和正确率就值得重视。我用 53,36,18; 55,35,15。我是最后几篇gwd才算是练出合适的pace 感觉 – 控制题目的时间,绝不超过3分钟 in your case, reading twice is a big dragger.. en, unless you are very used to "quick read in 1st round, thorough read 2nd round" approach. You are very good in reading and grammar, lending you an edge and allowing you to read twice, but i truly think you can really just realy once and memorize most of piece. Make sure you read in, focus it. I know it's a bit hard to highly concentrate after one day's work, as i experienced during my preparation. Get an quite environment always help me. 750 easy for you. V50, V42-v41 just do it. add oil!