以下是引用atongmu在2003-8-15 16:42:00的发言: Physician: The patient is suffering either from disease X or else from disease Y. but there is no available test for distinguishing X from Y. Therefore, since there is an effective treatment for Y but no treatment for X, we must act on the assumption that the patient has a case of Y.
The physician’s reasoning could be based on which one of the following principles?
(A) In treating a patient who has one or the other of two diseases, it is more important to treat the diseases than to determine which of the two diseases the patient has.
(B) If circumstances beyond a decision maker’s control will affect the outcome of the decision maker’s actions, the decision maker must assume that circumstances are unfavorable
(C) When the soundness of a strategy depends on the truth of a certain assumption, and the first step in putting the strategy into effect must be to test the truth of this assumption.
(D) When success is possible only if a circumstance beyond one’s control is favorable, and then one’s strategy must be based on the assumption that this circumstance is in fact favorable
(E) When only one strategy carries the possibility of success. Circumstances must as much as possible be changed to fit this strategy. 答案是D,我觉得E更能反映提干的情况。 E 错。 circumstance 是不可以改变的。here is no available test for distinguishing X from Y。 题干中已经讲的很明白了。无间道里说的话,只能事情改变人,人改变不了事情嘛。 呵呵。。。 楼主要考LSAT? 如果只是考GMAT,何苦折磨自己呢。 路子截然不同的。 我晕倒%¥……%¥…… 竟然是03年的帖子。。。
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-8-22 2:24:08编辑过] |