most people in favor of expanding the rail system reported less congestion during their highway commute as the primary benefit they would experience. would 简单看就是过去的推测「可能会」,不是已经的意思
第二题如果是代词有问题:by "opposition parties" = "They" offer 总理新闻秘书:我们的批评家宣称:总统最近取消了一些高速高路的专案,代表对惩罚支持反对党的地区。反对党认为90%的被取消专案都是在这些地区(可作为证据支持上一句)。但是所有被取消的专案都已经是被受尊敬的非政党稽核者认定浪费的。 The scheduled highway projects identified as wasteful in the report were not mostly projects in districts controlled by the President's party. 此题考阅读,90%在敌方,就是我方的所占的案件(被取消)不多