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Lsat 逻辑中的两句话--求解释。高手快来,俺已经台下恭候

发表于 2008-4-18 10:10:00 | 只看该作者

Lsat 逻辑中的两句话--求解释。高手快来,俺已经台下恭候

1.When the Cold War ended, the project lost its original purpose, so another purpose was quickly grafted onto the project, that of  conducting limited-gravity experiments, even though such experiments can be done in an alternative way.

2. The format of newspaper stories, on the other hand, leads readers to pursue details of stories headed by the most important facts and so has the opposite effect on regular readersthat of maintaining the expectation of careful discussion of public issues

问题:1。请问这两个that 分别指代什么?

           2. that of +doing 这种形式怎么理解?

           3. 这两个句子中蓝色部分。So 引导的成分在这里怎么理解?

           4. 我没想到的请各位江湖高手指点:


发表于 2008-4-18 13:26:00 | 只看该作者

第一个that是说前面新出台的那个project,其中so 是表明当第一个project失效时,接下来的办法——进出new project

第二个that是说前面的readers,其中so是 说newpaper format对一般的读者有负面影像。

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